2009 Implementers Group Meeting Program Supporting Hospital Information Systems

  • Registration Module

    • Talked about existing examples: registration module, amrsregistsration module, pihprimarycare module, Baobob's work

    • Discussed handling Universal ID cards

    • Biometric identification

      • Carl pointed out that they use biometrics as authorization rather than authentication – i.e., find the patient through ID card and/or demographics and then confirm with biometrics

      • Would everyone use biometrics or should that feature be toggle-able? Not everyone would use biometrics

  • Inpatient module

  • Pharmacy/Drug Management

  • Lab Module

  • Billing Module

    • Have associated price with orderables

    • Might help to add "account" attribute to new visit object

    • Recommended getting additional experts involved to realize a full system

    • Consider looking at Bamboo Invoice

    • Integration with insurance schemes

  • Advanced Reporting

"Crawl before you walk". Start with some simple functionality within modules and evolve into integration with other systems.