2009 Hack-a-thon Monday

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  • When talking about the features we've taken a decision to work against OMRS 1.5 and highlight when we require functionality that is discussed and we aren't using 1.5

  • Overview of OMRS dev architecture and high-level


  • Internatinalization

  • Taskpane for HTML Forms

  • Repeating Elements / Tables

  • Otherstuff besides Obs - eg. enrole some1 in a program through the form

  • Customization of layout

  • Read-only parts of the form

  • Embedding HTML forms in the UI (e.g. Work flow)

  • Printing of filled out form.

  • TS: Forms are Forms/Reports

  • TS: Repeating Observation added- Problem list functionality (MIN : MAX)

  • TS: Concept Search widget

  • TS-needs: Repeating sections.

  • TS: Pagination of forms list. form groupings UI stuff

  • IPA: Roles and Restrictions (View | Edit - Complete)

    • Soln: add getFormsUserCanView(User) to core, which modules can AOP around to implement various types of restrictions

  • IPA: Need better security for the roles / restrictions

    • Should be fulfilled by the above Soln

  • IPA: Form Pop-out (shadow box)

  • Jembi: Default values

  • Complex validation

  • Schema View

After Action Review

Expect happen

  • Review of projects to work on

  • write some code

  • Developer Training

  • Justin head not to hurt

Notes / Comments

  • Don't have a good sense of what "we" want - let developer drive

  • Darius to talk less, answer more questions

  • More free development time

  • More 1-on-1 sessions

  • More "own project" time