Implementer Tools UI

Implementer Tools UI


To provide an interface that allows non-technical system administrators to configure the frontend application.

Secondarily, to provide other interfaces (other tabs/panels, for example) which provide additional insights, controls, and diagnostic information to the system administrator. For example, diagnostic information about missing backend modules.

Driving User Story: Developers and project leaders for OpenMRS EMRs want their remote sites to be empowered to make the changes they need to make, and depend much less on core developer resources, (and so that devs are not doing a bunch of custom UI hacks with expensive dev time). Central dev support teams often get requests like "We would like the registration page to lead directly to the patient's chart, instead of the registration summary". These Implementer Tools should make changes like that easier. 

Designs & Tickets

Based on Design Cycles (including Squad involvement and user testing) in Sept/Oct/Nov 2021: 

Jira Epic:

Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

User Goals

All user stories below are for non-developer admins of OpenMRS. These folks range in skills from being new to using MS Office or GSuite tools, to being fluent in JSON.  










CONFIG: Configure existing widgets

I need it to be easy to find and change the config for each widget, so I can quickly made the changes needed for my particular organization or site, so that our custom Concept Codes can be applied to the widgets. 

Each widget is designed to work with default settings, but users may have to change certain things.

  • E.g. Vitals Form: Configured using default CIEL UUIDs, but Ampath has different UUIDs, and needs to change them to the Ampath ones. 


ADD WIDGETS: Add ready-made widgets to my existing pages or my custom pages

I need to easily find alternative/additional widgets that are already available, so that I can quickly add content of interest throughout my EMR, without having to ask developers to build new custom things for us. 


PAGES: Create my own custom pages for the patient chart

I need to build a page specific to a particular program or site, so that patient chart information that only that program area is interested in is easy to find. 

e.g. Imagine new pages dedicated to program/topics like: 

  • Pregnancy History

  • Surgical Notes

  • HIV Testing Program


  • New Page: I want to create a page specifically designed for our HIV program.

  • Create: I go here to create a page.

  • Page Name: I name the page "HIV" → now this shows up on Pt Chart Nav Bar.

  • (Then: Add Widgets: (as in story above?) I find and order related widgets; I look through the options and grab the ones I want)


WIDGET TEMPLATES: Customize my own widget from a widget template 

I need to be able to adapt a "templated"/"vanilla" version to suit my needs, so that when there's no pre-existing widget like what I want, I have the ability to unblock myself without needing developers to build an entirely new widget for me.

aka Configure your own "vanilla" widget:

E.g. Table Example: I want a Table widget showing a few key peices of information that matter to our pre-surgical clinic - e.g. BMI, Blood Sugar, and Blood Clotting tests results at each of their most recent pre-surgical Visits. I imagine something like this: 

(Visit Date) | (BMI) | (Blood Sugar) mmol/L | (Blood Clotting test result)

1) Search for existing widget that meets that description, and don't find one (side note: many users might not even want to bother with searching and might want to jump right in to creating their own thing; but probably a good idea to enforce a search workflow first to reduce duplication of widgets & work)

2) Identify "I want to build my own widget"

3) Select "Table" type (which then provides me with a blank vanilla Table widget to start from)

4) I can then identify the concept(s) I want to track in each column (e.g. Visit Date, BMI, etc).

E.g. Chart Example: I want a Chart showing Pregnancy-related Weight Gain over time. Possible workflow:

1) Search for existing widget that meets that description, and don't find one

2) Identify "I want to build my own widget"

3) Select "Chart" type (which then provides me with a blank vanilla Chart widget to start from)

4) I can then identify the concept(s) I want to track (e.g. "Pregnancy Weight"), and further configure things like the color and style of the line.

Reorder arrays (like custom pages in patient chart)

Brandon calls this a "list of multiple complex things (aka array of objects)" where the user has the ability to further define what sits inside the table/list/widget. His early example design is here:

Starting Point

We have an application, the Implementer Tools, which provides a janky interface for managing configuration.