Appointment Solution Comparison Across Existing EMRs


Book an Appointment

View Appointments (for your location)

View Appointments (per patient)


Book an Appointment

View Appointments (for your location)

View Appointments (per patient)



By Date only (no timeslot)

No provider specified

Can only have 1 Return to Clinic date at a time

Book via FORMS. Shows amount of pts already booked in clinic that day. 

Note: Difference between Appointments (who was scheduled) and Visits (who actually came)

Note: Difference between Appointments (who was scheduled) and Visits (who actually came)

Note: Has not returned is really helpful! Shows people who never came back despite the scheduled appointment

Clinicians really want to see what other appointments the pt has scheduled, so they can pick a RTC date that is convenient for the pt (so they're more likely to come back)

Can see HIV-specific RTC date in HIV Summary


3.x RefApp (as of Jan 2022)


(have some specific pain points they'd like to see revamped → Check in on these)

ICRC OpenMRS RefApp 2.x

Using Bahmni Appointments for booking and viewing appointments

2 widgets showing in the Ref App 2.x to display Today's Appts and Appointments to be confirmed for the logged in user.

Using Bahmni Appointments UI: no particular customization to show a patient appointments.