Feb 10 2010 after action review notes

What did we expect to happen?

  • Do more (but I wasn't here.

  • Fewer people, more attrition

  • Be less enthralled by html form entry homework assignment

  • See how OpenMRS uses jQuery and DWR

  • Be in the little room

What actually happened?

  • In the big room

  • Saw how OpenMRS used jQuery and DWR

  • Saw html form entry in action, saw forms being filled out

  • Talked about how hibernate is good and bad

  • Saw some useful pictures. Worth >= 1000 words

  • Learned lots of shortcuts

What should we do differently?

  • Continue having more pictures (do them before diving into the code)

  • See "the answers" to the forms example.

  • Spend 15-20 minutes walking through core code of API and web, aimed at people who might contribute or need to know this

  • hands-on jquery exercise. demos are good, but not sufficient

  • have different choices of exercises, so people can do what interests them more (e.g. jquery/dwr instead of html form entry)

    • More spring and hibernate (need the reps)

    • More web layer, e.g. jquery and dwr

  • Continue recapping the previous day in the morning

  • Look at a bigger module (with good code quality), see how it works, and then dive into the code.

  • Know more about other example use cases out there

  • Learn more shortcuts