Feb 12 2010 after action review

Summary for the week

What did you expect?

  • To be confused

    • I am

  • To learn enough about OpenMRS that with a modest amount of extra documentation and help, I could build something on top of it to meet my needs.

    • Didn't get as far as I wanted.

  • Learn enough to start contributing to OpenMRS.

    • I learned a lot, and I'm pointed in the right directions. I'm getting caught up. And I now have your email addresses. (Generally, yes.)

What can we do better?

  • Our choices were good. Examples were helpful.

  • I like to see the code happen, and in order, but it would have been nice to have the finished and well documented solution available from the beginning.

More pictures d**mit! Earlier. Specifically the Service/Impl/DAO picture.

More pictures d**mit! Earlier. Specifically the Service/Impl/DAO picture.

  • Combine "what did we expect" and "what did we do".

  • Patient Notes example was too much at once. Start with one example that we progressively elaborate on each exercise.

  • Also, the Patient Notes example had a missing pre-requisite (portlets)

  • Having class diagrams and patterns showing how the classes work together

  • More about the openmrs tag library

  • Be more clear on prerequisites. ("I didn't expect to be that far behind, but as a newbie it was very fast-paced.")