Custom Messages Module User Documentation

Custom Messages Module User Documentation


To install the Custom Messages download the distribution .omod package from here and upload it into your system. We encourage all OpenMRS translators and developers to use this module frequently, create new tickets for bug fixes and feature requests, and provide feedback to dev@openmrs.org.


OpenMRS 1.6.6 or higher (make sure that chosen installation usesopenmrs:messagetag on its JSPs). List of versions supporting openmrs:mesage tag:

  • 1.6.6 dev

  • 1.7.4 dev

  • 1.8.4-SNAPSHOT

  • 1.9.1-SNAPSHOT

  • 1.10.0-SNAPSHOT 

Browsers compatibility
  • Google Chrome 19+

  • Safari 5+

  • Firefox 11+ (has some issues with setting cursor position, when editing buttons and links with mouse)

  • IE - not supported


In order for users to be able to customize messages on web pages they need to be in a group with the privilege called Manage Custom Messages.

There are also couple of Global properties to be familiar with:

  • custommessage.inplaceCustomizationEnabled - property that globally enables/disables in-place customization capabilities of this module. If you set it to false then you won't to be able to do any in-line translation editing.

  • custommessage.showMessageCodes - convenient option that, being set to true, will show the message codes rather than the translations.

Examples of usage

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