Sync Module Administration Pages

Sync Module Administration Pages


This page shows the status of the current server. The top box only applies if the server is a child server. The bottom box will list off all parent and child servers and the number of transactions that are sent/pending in the left column. The "incoming" column on the right has yet to be coded and so will always be blank.


The configuration page lists all parent/child servers that are defined and actions that can be taken on them. Click on the linked name of the server to edit its properties.

This page has two or three other links to use:

Configure Current Server

  • Nickname: A convenient string to refer to this current server as (e.g. Eldoret Server, or Mosoriot Clinic). This string is not used outside of this server

  • Server UUID: This is a unique string across all servers everywhere. It should be automatically generated for you when you install the sync module.

  • Administrator Email: A contact person to receive server status emails. (not completely functional yet)

  • Record/Changes per page: The number of rows to show on the History page

  • Max Sent Records via File: The number of sync records/transactions to package in each file transfer request (negative number means all available records)

  • Max Sent Records via Web: The number of sync records/transactions to package in each online transfer request (negative number means all available records)

  • Retry count: The number of times to try sending a record before failing and stopping all sync'ing to a server

Add Child Server

  • Name: A helpful nickname for the child server. This string will only appear on this server and does not have to match what is actually defined on the child server

  • Server UUID: The uuid of the parent server. You can find this string on the "Configure Current Server" on the parent

  • Address: The static local or external ip address (or a domain name) of the parent server: or http://myparentserver.com:8080/openmrs

  • New Username/Password: A nonexistant user to create on this parent server. The child server should use this login to do sync'ing via the web

Also see Sync Module Parent Server Setup

Configure Parent Server

(This disappears as a link at the bottom if you have already created a parent server. Click the name of the parent server above to edit its properties if needed)

  • Name: A helpful nickname for the parent server. This string will only appear on the child server and does not have to match what is defined on the parent server

  • Server UUID: The uuid of the parent server. You can find this string on the "Configure Current Server" on the parent

  • Address: The static local or external ip address (or a domain name) of the parent server: or http://myparentserver.com:8080/openmrs

  • Remote Username/Password: An existing user to authenticate as when sending data to the parent server

  • Sync Automatically: Select this option if you want to send data over the internet to the parent server. (we recommend sending data ever 3 to 10 minutes, depending on your server data volume)

Also see Sync Module Child Server Setup

History of Changes

This page shows all changes that have been sent, are waiting to send, and have been received. This page is helpful if you have encountered an error and need to see what data packages have been sent successfully. These are rows from the sync_record table.

You can click on a sync record to see the details. If the record is pending, you can "cancel" it by clicking on the "NOT SUPPOSED TO SYNC" link.

Sync Statistics

Simple page showing number of records transferred to/from other servers during a given time period


  • Search: Look for text in the name/class of any record in the sync_record table

  • Backporting: This is only needed once per child server potentially. This is only to get sync records sent to a child server that were entered into central/parent after the backup for a child was done but before that child was created in the admin screens of sync.

  • Archiving:

    • You can trim down the size of the sync_record and sync_import tables occasionally by clicking these buttons

    • There is a Scheduled Task called "Cleanup Old Sync Records" that deletes all successfully sent SyncRecords/SyncImportRecords that are older than 90 days

Upgrade Scripts

This page is only used when you do a major upgrade of your server (e.g. from 1.5 to 1.6). With upgrades there are sometimes some data that cannot be updated correctly via the OpenMRS update wizard and the module updates.

Check this page AFTER upgrading the parent server but BEFORE upgrading the child server.

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