Quartz Scheduler User Guide for OpenMRS1.6
Please note that this user guide is intended for OpenMRS 1.6
About the Quartz Scheduler
The schedulerQuartz module was create as a Google Summer of Code 2009 Project. A scheduler created to give extensive scheduling features to OpenMRS users. The schedulerQuartz uses OpenMRSs core schedulers Task classes to schedule its tasks.
schedulerQuartz v0.2.0 is successfully tested with OpenMRS 1.6.0 dev Build 8634. Additional information can be acquired emailing the module creator djmlog103@gmail.com or contacting the developer list dev@openmrs.org
schedulerQuartz v.0.2.0 is available in OpenMRS SVN : http://svn.openmrs.org/openmrs-modules/schedulerquartz/branch/schedulerquartz_OpenMRSV1.6/
View/manage tasks
Create a new task
View exact time on server while creating task
View task details
Start/stop tasks
Delete tasks
Execute a task right now
Pause the scheduler
Restart the scheduler
View the log file of the scheduler (for debugging)
View the properties of the Quartz scheduler
Supports multiple scheduling types
Run a task once
Run tasks often (e.g. Run once every X seconds, minutes, hours, days, weekdays)
Run tasks every so often (e.g. Run once every week, month, year)
Repeat tasks on a custom schedule (e.g. Run once on Monday at 3:00am, Friday at 2:00am)
Customizable start time (Timed, Start Immediately)
Customizable end times (Execute Forever, Repeat n times, End at given date) note that not all scheduling types have all end types
Ability to add properties to the running tasks
Ability to set priority (used by Quartz to run more important tasks first)
Ability to send task execution alerts to users
When a task executes
When a task misfires
When a task finished executing for the last time
Configuring the module
The schedulerQuartz module needs a set of parameters to be passed before users start using the module. These set of parameters of parameters are used to setup mail configurations in order for the module to use its email notifications features. You should save the following set of key,value pairs in your OPENMRS_RUNTIME_PROPERTIES.PROPERTIES file. Please note that the module notification service users only stmp transmission.
IMPORTANT: You cannot start the module without adding these properties to your openmrs-runtime.properties file.
Using the module
After loading the schedulerQuartz module, a new category named Quartz Scheduler will appear in the Administration section.
3.1 Module Sections
Scheduler Manager : Create, Edit, Delete Tasks.
Scheduler Details : Shows information about the Quartz Scheduler.
Scheduler Log : A detailed module level log.
3.1.1 Scheduler Manager
This section allows users to Create new Tasks, Edit and Delete existing tasks.
3.1.2 Scheduler Details
The SchedulerQuartz scheduling module is created using Quartz scheduling Framework. This Section Allows you to see on what configurations the Quartz Scheduler is running on.
3.1.3 Scheduler Log
This section is intended for Task developers. This page contains all the log data produced in the module scope. The Scheduler log page is equipped with a tailing feature which would print latest lines of the log file in the given iteration time. To improve usability the module log is printed in reverse order to avoid scrolling. This means that all the current data from the log will be printed on top of the page.
4 Creating a new Task
Creating a new task is quite simple. Go to the Scheduler Manager page. Click on the Create Task button.
Clicking Create Task will bring a popup window which allows users to create new Tasks. Creating a new Task in the SchedulerQuartz Modules is so simplified that there is nothing to explain in this guide. A detailed explanation about creating tasks is given in the Create Task page.
5 Get details of a created Task and modifying
To get Additional information of a created task, visit the Scheduler manager page. And click on the Tasks title on which you to view additional information.
Click on the Tasks title will bring a popup window with a detailed page of that Task. To modify the Task just click the Edit Task link show in figure 8.
Created on: 8/17/09
Author: djmlog103