HFED Installation Guide

HFED Installation Guide

Keep in mind that currently the HTML Form Entry Designer module uses versions of HTML Form Entry and HTML Widgets that are still in process of code review. The module itself is in a Beta form, so use of it in real environments is discouraged. Use of it for testing is encouraged in order to bring this module to a stable release. Your help is appreciated.


You must have OpenMRS 1.6.x+ running and the following modules:

  • HTML Form Entry module (special unstable version, check Downloads)

  • HTML Widgets module (special unstable version, check Downloads)


Install the following modules, downloaded from the Downloads page in OpenMRS (Administration -> Manage Modules -> Add Module), in the following order:

  1. HTML Form Entry module

  2. HTML Widgets module

  3. HTML Form Entry Designer module

More Information

Check the User Guide and the module wiki page for more information. You can also contact @João Portela.