Starting the Validation

Starting the Validation


  • Validators can be any openmrs valid type, such as org.openmrs.Concept, org.openmrs.Patient or org.openmrs.Location .When we click 'Select Types' it retrieves all the items to be validated in the system and displays hem in a single dialog window, from where user can select the required types.



All Data Option

All Data : The 'All Data' checkbox is used to validate all objects in the current system. If it is selected the module will list all the Data and Metadata types in the system to be validated.


  • After selecting the required object types to validate it will be listed in the UI. Once we hit ' Validate Types' button all the matching objects will be divided through out 10 tasks, and handed over to a validation thread to process. A progress message will be displayed during the time, the validation process is starting.


  • A message will be displayed and user will be redirected to module home page once all the validation threads are started.