2014-03-12 Design Forum

2014-03-12 Design Forum

OpenMRS Design Forum 2014-03-12
  • Should we add OrderSaveHandler to use OrderContext data to set order type and caresetting if null?
  • Strategy for running OpenMRS 2.1 on Platform 1.10
  • EA-1 Order structure
Agreed that OrderSaveHandler should use OrderContext data to set order type and caresetting if null for the order getting saved
Strategy for running OpenMRS 2.1 on Platform 1.10
    - Setup a VM running an instance of the latest builds of 1.10.x
    - Switch back devtest02 to run the latest version of the reference application for manual testing
    - Update the Reference application to build and run against 1.10.x
    - Update any broken modules in the ref app to work with 1.10.x and fix any issues in the reference application
Planning further out:
Reference Application Road Map: https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/x/u7VTAQ
===== RA-68 - Retrospective Data Entry =====
We have implemented the ability to do real-time entry, which assumes (1) current user is the provider, (2) happening now, (3) at the current session location. We want to allow retrospective entry of forms, in a common and consistent way.
Jonathan: typically people will put who-when-where questions a the top or bottom of the process. But preserve the actual data entry piece to be the same as now. "It's not a complicated UI thing, but it's important to have a convention for it."
Burke: common case for OpenMRS is delayed transcription of encounter forms filled out in the field. (As opposed to "patient brought immunization/lab data from an old visit at another clinic", so I'm entering it today, but for a previous date.)
Two cases:
* Enter a previous visit
* Patient has an active visit, but enter data from a previous date
Next steps:
  • Explicitly write out end-user scenarios (e.g. "doctor is writing all their visit notes from yesterday's encounters")
  • List some specific stories
===== RA-304 - Implementation-specific Forms =====
In the new UI, a form requires some extra options/metadata around it that is currently stored in code/configuration, and not directly on the form.
  • icon (maybe done by encounter type)
  • summary view of the form, for in-line display in the DEPD
Next Steps:
  • Enumerate the technical steps involved in exposing a form in the new UI; we'll need to figure out how implementation-defined forms can specify these things (e.g. Form Attributes)
  • Define a "form entry" app, or page for the patient which exposes all forms
  • Decide how we want to allow forms to be exposing as shortcuts on the CFPD and/or DEPD
  • clean up and transcribe notes from here into RA-68