2009 Hack-a-thon Thursday

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  • Breakfast

  • Introductions

  • Welcome by Carl Fourie

  • Mozambique OASIS team gave an overview of what they were looking for from the conference

OpenMRS Roadmap Overview by Justin Miranda

  • Method of input into the roadmap has evolved

    • Conference calls every thursday

    • Would like to get more input from implementers

  • Went through the Road map page and discussed some of the planned features

HTML Forms Demo by Darius Jazayeri

  • Showed how to create an html

  • Demo'd some of the new features in the latest version

  • See the module homepage

XForms Demo by Daniel

  • Form Entry which has an advanced GWT Designer and supports mobile phone form entry

  • Wow!

  • See the XForms module page

Overview of DHIS and SDMX-HD by Bob Jolliffe

  • Introduction and history

  • Expressed reservations about SDMX-HD

  • What they have is simple and field tested, but could be improved

  • Technical discussion between Darius, Bob and Ryan with an example of the DHIS data format (DXF)

    • Data value has a data element with which it is associated (data element number is unique only within the file)

    • They'd like to use more attributes rather than child elements

  • Some time was spent trying to determine if what the reporting module is doing, is what is required by Bob and DHIS

  • Ryan discussed some issues regarding SDMX-HD (some details can be found here)


Lab System Integration Overview

  • Ryan gave a short overview

  • The BIKA guys gave a short history and introduction

  • Some time was spent discussing what data needs to be transferred between OpenMRS and the BIKA LIMS

  • Darius suggested basing the dataset on LOINC

  • Technical discussion about sample and test identification and processing state management

  • Mike gave a demo of the PIH Lab Entry System module (There is no wiki page, but some versions can be found here)

Labs JAD Session










  • Braai