2011-03-03 Developer Meeting

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In Attendance

  • ?@Michael Downey

  • ?@Jeremy Keiper

  • ?@Mike Seaton

  • ?@Darius Jazayeri

  • ?@Dawn Seymour

  • ?@Roger Friedman

  • ?@Dieterich Lawson

  • ?@Daniel Kayiwa

  • ?@Wyclif Luyima

  • ?@Glen McCallum

  • ?@Nyoman Ribeka

  • Andy Kanter

  • ?@Hamish Fraser


  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)

  • Brief overview of MDR-TB module 2.0 (Mark G) (15-30 min)

  • Summer of Code project idea brainstorming (60 min)

  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)


1.8 update

  • TODO: PIH will discuss how they can help with 1.8 testing during their meetings this week

  • Jeremy: Has anyone upgraded 1.6 to 1.8 or upgraded to Sync module from Remote FormEntry?

  • Mike: They have a site with that scenario, but don't know all the answers yet.

Summer of Code ideas

  • Localization of initialsetup etc. (Wyclif will describe)

  • Form designer for HTML FormEntry (Darius will consult with Daniel)

  • HR Module (Roger will describe on wiki)

  • De-duplication (Shaun & James will describe on wiki)

  • Linking NCD to Messaging module -

  • Messaging cohort groups (Zeshan will describe)

  • Messaging "securely" with PIN's (Zeshan will describe)

  • Audit trail module or other approaches (Jer & Wyclif will describe)

  • Improved crash reporting tools (Wyclif will summarize)

  • Proofs-of-concepts for obs table partitioning (Jer will summarize)

  • Applying logic token to reporting module (Ada & Win summarize)

  • Feedback on listed project ideas

    • Look at Mozilla Test Pilot for design ideas

    • Need clarification on Ben's message.properites project and how it relates to project-wide localization efforts.





  • Backchannel IRC transcript

  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download - available after the meeting