OCL content automatch discussion
Sep 30, 2024, @Michael Bontyes , @Andrew Kanter
Discuss how the automatch initiative could be helpful to other organizations than MSF/Madiro:
https://github.com/MadiroGlobalHealth/clinical-content-toolsFollow-up on session at OMRS24 in Nairobi:
General questions
Everyone’s challenges/bottleneck?
Current process?
What would help the most?
How to handle synonyms?
What’s Next?
Update documentation with required columns in Excel template
Mapping support?
OpenMRS or OCL integration? How?
Improve automatching algorithm - currently using Fuzzy search with Levenshtein distance
Adding other field in calculation such as data type and class
Adding context such as form or program
Combine with AI like embedding-based search (meaning instead of characters)
Viewing the top 10 results as an intermediary step would be useful like https://github.com/OHDSI/Usagi
Viewing the concept name, score, and mapping help to decide on which one is the right one
Example: AMPATH:1067, CIEL:1067, HL7-MedicationDispenseStatus:unknown, org.openmrs.module.emrapi:Unknown Cause of Death, PIH:unknown, PIH:1067, SNOMED CT:261665006