2020-03-11: OCL for OpenMRS Squad Meeting


@tendo kiiza Martyn

@Jennifer Parise

@Andrew Kanter

@Jonathan Payne

@Herbert Yiga

@Daniel Kayiwa

Call Recording


Reviewing  Lincoln's New Code Base

  • Testing to cease by end of this week according to @Herbert Yiga

  • @Daniel Kayiwa is doing final review of tickets and will give okay to move ahead with new code base

Review On boarding Session

  • @Herbert Yiga to review progress on Onboarding

  • Will have an onboarding session on Thursday

    • Those participating in the onboarding session will demo what they have been doing

    • Lincoln will be on the onboarding session

    • Consider this a "mid-project" evaluation as they do for GSoC

    • Goal is to make sure people are expanding their skills and are ready to work on tickets once the next sprint is ready to start

  • Feed back from  required from lincoln on progress of those onboarding.

Sprint Planning

  • @Herbert Yiga to arrange sprint planning with @Ellen Ball

  • Issues raised on Talk should be added to backlog as we go along in order to avoid searching for issues later on or missing them entirely.

  • @Herbert Yiga or someone he identifies will review Talk for issues from the past two weeks.

  • @tendo kiiza Martyn indicated that he is available to assist


  • Monitor project progress, including board activity, on a weekly basis

  • Establish standard agenda items. Right now those are:

    • New code base

    • Onboarding

    • Spring + Sprint Planning

    • Board review

  • Consider using a PM tool to monitor activities towards our objectives


  • Notes taking to be done using Etherpad and later on embedded in Confluence

  • Expectations for real time note-taking

    • Have an Agenda

    • Track the time for each agenda item

    • Document important decisions + rationale

    • Individuals should add any other important points brought up during the meeting

    • Summary of TODOs for the next meeting.


@Herbert Yigato facilitate onboarding session on Thursday

@Lincoln Karuhangato provide feedback on individuals' onboarding progress

@Herbert Yigato reach out to Ellen about sprint planning

@Jennifer Antilla to post call recording to the Wiki and Talk