Data Integrity Module

Data Integrity Module

What Is the Data Integrity Module?

The Data Integrity Module provides a way to create, manage and review the quality of data audits. Users can view or download the results of an integrity check, ignore certain known results that should not be included in the total count, see a chart representing the history of an integrity check's findings and link directly to encounters, patients, observations and more from the results. It is meant to provide a common place for finding and dealing with multiple common data quality issues.

Some potential integrity checks are:

  • Patients with no  or more than one preferred identifier
  • Patients with no name
  • Patient Identifiers with an incorrect check-digit
  • Unused Concepts in the Concept Dictionary
  • Unused or duplicate Field Objects for Forms
  • Unused Locations
  • Encounters having no Observations
  • Pregnant male patients
  • Patients who have a wrong encounter type (e.g.: A pediatric patient with an adult encounter type or form)
  • Patients with inconsistent data

See the Sample Integrity Checks page for these and more.


Installation Instructions

Install and run OpenMRS

Download Data Integrity Module

Install Module: From the OpenMRS home screen, select System Administration → Manage Modules → Add/Upgrade Modules. Here you should upload the .omod data integrity file. The Data Integrity module should now appear and be accessible from the home screen if the module installation was successful.

Note: If you do not have the necessary prerequisite modules for the version of Data Integrity Module that you have downloaded you will also need to install those prior to running Data Integrity Module.


Data Integrity Module JIRA project.

Additional pages for versions up to 1.1.3:


Data Integrity Module in the OpenMRS Module Repository


Version 2.x

Version 1.x

The Future

The future is here! See Data Integrity Module - 2.0 Design Overhaul for the design concerns behind the latest UI developments. More innovations await, such as:

  • adding the ability to use other languages for integrity checks, like Groovy, Javascript or Python!
  • sparklines and other small but effective visualizations
  • deeper introspection and analysis over result sets and history statistics
  • formatted downloads and possible PDF rendering

Release Notes

About / Contributors

Data Integrity Module is selected for Google Summer of Code 2017 and has been developed by Shivang Nagaria under the mentorship of Stephen Senkomago Musoke . More details can be found here . This module was initially developed by Nimantha Baranasuriya for Google Summer of Code 2009 and has continued development by Jeremy KeiperStephen Senkomago Musoke and AMPATH developers.

Here is the growing list of contributors to Data Integrity Module:

Project Documents

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