Chart Search Module Evolution

Chart Search Module Evolution


  • The first spike about Solr/Lucene was done by @Daniel Kayiwa as you can follow up from here.

  • The project was then worked on during GSoC 2013 by @Zhaslan Doschanov who came up with Chart Search module that would then work on the OpenMRS legacy Application. {refer to:}

  • Then afterwards there was need to have a similar module for the OpenMRS reference Application and this need was then being brought into view by @Tobin Greensweig's team; @tal Levi@Or Hemi and @Eli Zil a group of students.

  • The same project was then passed on to GSoC 2014, and its assignee  is until now taking a lead in moving on the project to greater heights, "I hope to move on with the evolution of this module even after my GSoC 2014" says @Kaweesi Joseph, {refer to:}

With all the above efforts recognized, we now have a working module up and running very well as we are about to show in an overall presentation of this tool.