2017-02-02 Developers Forum
2017-02-02 Developers Forum
- Tanya Khokhar
- Burke Mamlin
- Jamie Thomas
Owned by Tanya Khokhar
How to Join
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- Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
- Developer Stages, 2016 Google Code-In Wrap Up, Google Summer of Code update
- Review next meeting agenda
- Burke Mamlin
- Daniel Kayiwa
- Wyclif Luymia
- Ashish Sareen
- Tim N
- Suranga Nath Kasthurirathne
- Jamie Thomas
- Darius Jazayeri
- Developer Stages and 2016
- Google Code-In Wrap Up
- GSoC Planning
- Initially developed in part to increase engagement/leadership
- In 2016, we decided to focus on dev stages to represent skill in OpenMRS development
- Current definitions are not precise (using them as conventions, not strict rules)
- Current process
- Daniel leading as Community Devleopment Lead
- Daniel scanning for potential upgrades
- Some people have pinged Daniel asking about advancing
- Some have been nominated by others
- In some cases, we realize someone needs a stage to have appropriate privileges
- People can reach /dev/null and /dev/1 through an automated process
- Potential improvements to process
- Create a quiz for additional stages
- Quizzes could help explicitly show someone's interest in advancing stage (instead of relying on nomination or self-nomination to discover people ready to advance)
- Review stages (perhaps at some interval) to refine them
- Try to make the skillset/expectations clearer both for dev desiring a stage, but also for people looking for devs at a particular stage
- Skills should be both technical (programming), toolset (git, devops), ability to be a good open-source developer (communication, following open-source best practices), community productivity (leadership tasks, sprinting, spiking, running h
- TODO: Burke & Daniel to meet to
Google Code-In
- Completed in Janurary
- Thanks to all the mentors!
- Chaitya was admin and did a great job! Suranga was able to back away a litte.
- Shreyans, Daniel, Harsha, Rafał, Wyclif, and others helped a ton!
- Colin Grimm
- Mira Yang
- Will pick a mentor to attend mentor summit
- Need a write-up (blog entry) describing success of OpenMRS GCI 2016
- TODO: Suranga will ask Chaitya to lead this
Google Summer of Code
- GSoC admins
- Harsha Kumara
- Kaweesi Joseph
- Project brainstorming: <https://talk.openmrs.org/t/gsoc-2017-project-brainstorming/9783>
- Mentors (thus far)
- harsha98
- dkayiwa
- suranga
- k.joseph
- emekaaliu
- burke
- pascal
- raff
- wyclif
- maurya
- sunveer50732
- Need unassigned project pages
- Title: Foobar Project
- Abstract
- Project Champions
- Skills Needed
- Objectives
- Extra Credit
- Resources
- Well-defined "2 month" project
- Should have a clear, useful deliverable that can almost surely be accomplished in ~2 months
- Last month of GSoC should be deployment, documentation, testing, enhancements
- Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)