2017-03-02 Developers Forum

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  • 2017 Google Summer of Code Update

  • Review next meeting agenda




2017 Google Summer of Code Update

TODO items from todays call:


  1. Reach out to more students (social media / shreyans (specific groups of students)

  2. Students unable to login to OpenMRS talk - resolve ASAP (Joseph K. / myself?)

    1. Fixed by @Pascal!!

  3. post/advertise on twitter / social media (suranga)

  4. Clean up mentor / project list ASAP (suranga/Joseph/Burke/everyone)

  5. Start mentor communication channels (Joseph K.

    1. OpenMRS GSoC Admins telegram chat group has been created and a number of mentors added



  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)