2011-01-20 Developer Meeting
In Attendance
@Jeremy Keiper
@Wyclif Luyima
@Michael Downey
@Darius Jazayeri
@Ada Yeung
@Dawn Seymour
@Paul Biondich
@Ben Wolfe
Shaun Grannis
@Roger Friedman
@Jonah S. Mwogi
Randy Carroll
@Sriskandarajah Suhothayan
James Egg
@Mike Seaton
@Former user (Deleted)
@Balachandiran Ajanthan
Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
De-duplication - led by Shaun Grannis (45 min)
Review infrastructure plans
Can we make builds more reliable?
Moving things to OSUOSL
Naming a 1.9 release manager - (5 min)
After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)
10 minutes late starting
Last week review - 20 min
Discussion about module support and the role of module developers to upgrade their module over time and test for compatibility.
An e-mail should go out to the new module developer list about changes in 1.8. A wiki page should be created and the e-mail should point to it.
TODO: Jeremy will send out information about design changes for the Data Integrity module.
Back-porting bug fixes - 5 min
We need to define a policy on back-porting bug fixes.
Ben: In theory, all bug fixes get back-ported. There's a "slightly sliding" scale for back-porting features.
Many things will be on a case-by-case basis.
De-Duplication - 60 min
Shaun has been working on patient de-duplication for a long time and is now working to integrate that technology into OpenMRS.
They've created a module that uses a matching approach to look at different identifiers.
Challenge: The algorithm is so complex, it's not approachable enough for most implementers to use the module.
Ada has prioritized the unresolved Patient Matching tickets here.
Infrastructure Top 15 - 20 min
Test server
bafang upgrades
Crucible @ OSUOSL
OpenMRS ID session management problems
JIRA session issues
Subversion & OpenMRS ID
OpenMRS ID "2.0"
Future of OpenMRS Forum
Online presence
Adobe Connect
Module Repository
Feedback for Patient Matching Module
User Interface
Avoid horizontal scrolling (UI anti-pattern) – PTM-29
Either lighten (grey) ignored fields or bold those that are used – PTM-30
Show groups visually instead of just with group numbers – PTM-31
Consider using CSS to class first-in-group & last-in-group rows in the display of matches, then replacing the horizontal line separator with a soft background image (light grey or very light blue) that has rounded top corners & space above for first-in-group, rounded bottom corners & space below for last-in-group, and is a background for other rows. This would create the illusion of rounded panels around each group
Show "stack" of patients on right during merge when there's more than two in group – i.e., visually indicate when I need to use prev/next buttons – PTM-32
Instead of highlighting voided patient in red, make them light grey and/or apply strikethru – PTM-33
Show strategy used for each report (i.e. strategies column in list of previously run reports) – PTM-34
Suggested enhancements
Allow user to create custom fields (e.g., name in all capitals, address passed through my FooBar function, etc.). Custom fields could be provided by other modules. – PTM-35
Provide a "select all in group" or – perhaps better – check all by default or make merge button assume all in group if none checked – PTM-36
Backchannel IRC transcript
Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download - available after the meeting