2008-10-09 Developers Conference Call


9 October 2008

In Attendance

  • Justin Miranda

  • Ben Wolfe

  • Brian McKown

  • Nyoman (Win) Ribeka

  • Saptarshi Purkayastha

  • Paul Biondich

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Martin Were

  • Hamish Fraser

  • Mike Seaton

  • Dave Thomas


  • OpenMRS technical knowledge base

  • Update on new website(s) – svn, dev

  • Logic-a-thon target date (darius as an n-tier-application vs. pre-AMIA)

  • How to manage releases, backports, etc

  • Consider Verio hosting options


  • Verio is willing to donate a few machines for us. We're thinking about having a tomcat machine and a tomcat demo machine (for students to demo accounts)

  • svn/dev is ready to be moved.

    • the osu guys have things working

    • Next Tuesday for a move date?

    • the wiki/phpbb/nontomcat services can possibly be moved to osu shoulders after the trac/svn move

  • Logic code-a-thon:

    • Weekend after Halloween: 6/7th

    • PIH to buy plane tickets destined for Indianapolis

  • Change of how we manage releases, backports etc ?

    • Mike to draw a diagram and send it to the dev list