2008-09-18 Developers Conference Call


18 September 2008

In Attendance

  • Justin Miranda

  • Mike Seaton

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Ben Wolfe

  • Brian McKown

  • Darius Jazayeri
    Sam Ndichu
    Andreas Kollegger
    Saptarshi Purkayastha


  • Review decisions from last week

  • Starting a road map

    • Decide on Trac vs. the wiki

    • Prioritization process (at least to get started)

  • New website(s) update

  • GSoC Mentor Summit


  • Justin update re: new trac site

    • testing on svn2

    • making smooth transition from current trac to new trac

    • subversion should not have ssl; trac needs ssl as long as we use new trac as we do now

  • Roadmap

    1. Define timeline explicitely.

    2. Schedule code reviews on regular basis.

    3. Burke will make straw man road map.

    4. Ben will lead code review process.

      • Hour or whatever it takes per week for code review

      • 3 constant code review people.

  • Mentor Summit

    • Proposed two people to send:

      • Ben

      • Mike

  • Mark Benscoter helping with OpenMRS mentorship.

    • Organizing Developers.

    • Making the most of all internship opportunities.

    • CC mark on all/any internship correspondence.

  • Planning a Software Development Class backed by OpenMRS.

    • Implementation specific module for one (or two) implementer(s).

    • Develop something closer to products than programs.

    • Prefer aim low and hit goal than aim high and miss goal.

    • Use concrete specifications from OpenMRS developer and/or implementor(s).

    • Project Ideas:

      • PMTCT

      • Reverse Chronological View of Patient data.

  • Tagging 20+ tickets as "My first OpenMRS ticket." - See new trac report: http://dev.openmrs.org/report/20

Moving tests from test.api.org.openmrs.test. to test.api.org.openmrs.*

Moving tests from test.api.org.openmrs.test. to test.api.org.openmrs.*

  • Burke's one more thing that Brian hung up on before he could say it:

    • Need to do Logic-a-thon in late October or mid-november (before Thanksgiving).