Set Up an Instance of O3
In this page:
This guide is intended for developers who want to set up an instance of O3. Broadly speaking, there are two approaches for setting up an instance of O3:
Using the
Using the OpenMRS SDK
You might want to use the SDK if:
You already have the SDK, Maven and a Java environment set up on your machine and are very familiar with these tools.
You're not familiar with Docker or don't want to use Docker.
These prerequisites are explained in detail in the SDK wiki(opens in a new tab).
Ensure you have Apache Maven(opens in a new tab) installed.
Ensure you have MySQL v5.6 and above installed and set up correctly.
Ensure you have Java 8 installed with JDK 1.8 and JRE 1.8.
Ensure that your
environment variable is set and that it points tov1.8
of Java. If you have the correct version of Java installed but$JAVA_HOME
doesn't point to it, you could try adding the following alias to your.zshrc
file (or.bashrc
file if you're using Bash):alias mvn='JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)" mvn'
Step 1
Run the following command to install the latest version of the OpenMRS SDK. If you've already installed the SDK, you can skip this step.
mvn org.openmrs.maven.plugins:openmrs-sdk-maven-plugin:setup-sdk
Step 2
Run the following command to setup the SDK:
mvn openmrs-sdk:setup
This command will run a prompt that walks you through choosing:
A server ID e.g.
.The type of server to set up - choose
O3 Distribution
.What version of O3 to deploy - choose
Reference Application 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT
.Which port to run the server on (defaults to
).Whether or not to enable remote debugging (defaults to
no debugging
)When asked to choose which database to use. Choose
MySQL 5.6 and above (requires pre-installed MySQL 5.6 and above)
. This step is contingent on you having set up your MySQL installation up correctly.When asked to choose a MySQL database URI, go with the default database URI presented.
When asked to specify your database username, specify whatever you chose when setting up your MySQL installation (defaults to
).When asked to enter your database password, enter your database password.
Once you're connected to the database, select the JDK version you'd like to use to run the server (e.g. whatever
points to).
Step 3
Run the following command to fire up the SDK:
mvn openmrs-sdk:run
Step 4
Navigate to https://localhost:8080/openmrs
on your browser. You should expect the see the backend getting set up. Once that completes, you can navigate to https://localhost:8080/openmrs/spa
Troubleshooting the SDK approach
If you're running into issues, first ensure that you're running the prescribed dependency versions i.e. Java 8, MySQL 5.6 or greater, Maven 3, and the latest SDK version.
Using Docker
You might want to use Docker if:
You are already familiar with Docker and OpenMRS Docker images.
You don't want to use the SPA module.
You're working on a deployment that will run Docker containers in production (generally cloud-based or SaaS offerings).
You want to set up a fresh instance of O3 (i.e. an instance with a brand new database and not one set up on top of your existing database).
You don't want to go through the hassle of setting up a Java environment and managing multiple dependencies.
Ensure you have Docker Desktop(opens in a new tab) or Docker Compose (v2)(opens in a new tab) installed on your machine.
Use the following steps to set up a fresh instance of O3 on your machine using Docker:
Step 1
Clone the distro-referenceapplication(opens in a new tab) repository.
Step 2
Launch Docker Desktop(opens in a new tab) or Docker Compose (v2)(opens in a new tab).
Step 3
Next we want to install the latest version of O3. To do that, we'll need to figure out what tag to use. Run git tag --sort=-v:refname
to get a list of tags sorted by version number. At the time of writing, the latest tag is 3.0.0-beta.20
. To use this tag, run the following command:
TAG=3.0.0-beta.20 docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
This command does the following:
: Sets an environment variable TAG to the value3.0.0-beta.20
. We're using this variable to specify the latest stable release of O3.docker compose
: Runs the Docker Compose command.f docker-compose.yml
: Specifies the Compose file to use.up -d
: Starts the services defined in the Compose file in detached mode.
Step 4
At this point, the backend setup script should be running. If you're using a browser, navigating to localhost/openmrs
should redirect you to the initial setup page at localhost/openmrs/initialsetup
. This setup will take a few minutes to complete. Once it's done, you should be able to launch O3 by visiting http://localhost/openmrs
in your browser. If you're not using a browser, you can curl the URL to see check whether the setup is complete. Run the following command in your terminal to do this:
curl -v http://localhost/openmrs
If you see 200 OK
in the response, the setup should be complete. You could also use curl to check whether the OpenMRS health check endpoint is up and running using:
curl -v http://localhost/openmrs/health/started
Alternatively, you can run this script in your terminal to check whether O3 is up and running.
while [[ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' http://localhost/openmrs/login.htm)" != "200" ]]; do sleep 10; done
This script will check the status of the server every 10 seconds until the server is up and running.
Once the server is up and running, visit http://localhost/openmrs/spa
and you'll be redirected to the login page. That's it! You should now have a running instance of O3.
Step 5 (optional)
If you want to run the dockerized build on top of an existing O2 database, you'll need to use Docker volumes. See this section below for instructions on how to do that.
Running an O3 Docker image on top of an existing database
To run the O3 Docker image on top of an existing database, do the following:
Step 1
Working from the standard Docker compose file(opens in a new tab), remove the db
service (lines 47-62 highlighted below) and the db-data
volume (line 66).
version: "3.7" services: gateway: image: openmrs/openmrs-reference-application-3-gateway:${TAG:-qa} restart: "unless-stopped" depends_on: - frontend - backend ports: - "80:80" frontend: image: openmrs/openmrs-reference-application-3-frontend:${TAG:-qa} restart: "unless-stopped" environment: SPA_PATH: /openmrs/spa API_URL: /openmrs SPA_CONFIG_URLS: SPA_DEFAULT_LOCALE: healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost/"] timeout: 5s depends_on: - backend backend: image: openmrs/openmrs-reference-application-3-backend:${TAG:-qa} restart: "unless-stopped" depends_on: - db environment: OMRS_CONFIG_MODULE_WEB_ADMIN: "true" OMRS_CONFIG_AUTO_UPDATE_DATABASE: "true" OMRS_CONFIG_CREATE_TABLES: "true" OMRS_CONFIG_CONNECTION_SERVER: db OMRS_CONFIG_CONNECTION_DATABASE: openmrs OMRS_CONFIG_CONNECTION_USERNAME: ${OPENMRS_DB_USER:-openmrs} OMRS_CONFIG_CONNECTION_PASSWORD: ${OPENMRS_DB_PASSWORD:-openmrs} healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:8080/openmrs"] timeout: 5s volumes: - openmrs-data:/openmrs/data # MariaDB db: image: mariadb:10.8.2 restart: "unless-stopped" command: "mysqld --character-set-server=utf8 --collation-server=utf8_general_ci" healthcheck: test: 'mysql --user=${OMRS_DB_USER:-openmrs} --password=${OMRS_DB_PASSWORD:-openmrs} --execute "SHOW DATABASES;"' interval: 3s timeout: 1s retries: 5 environment: MYSQL_DATABASE: openmrs MYSQL_USER: ${OMRS_DB_USER:-openmrs} MYSQL_PASSWORD: ${OMRS_DB_PASSWORD:-openmrs} MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: ${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD:-openmrs} volumes: - db-data:/var/lib/mysql volumes: openmrs-data: ~ db-data: ~
Step 2
In the backend
server variable to the hostname of the database server and the OMRS_CONFIG_CONNECTION_SERVER
to the name of the existing database (leaving it alone probably works for 99% of installs).
Step 3
Create a .env
file in the same folder with OPENMRS_DB_USER
set to the appropriate values for the existing database.
Step 4
Run docker compose up -d
and, assuming everything is filled out correctly, it should just work™.
Troubleshooting the Docker approach
If you're running into issues related to the Docker daemon, make sure that the daemon is running correctly.
If you're running into an issue on Windows about your WSL version being too low to support running the dockerized build, follow the directions in the error message to update your WSL version. Once done, make sure to restart Docker Desktop or the Docker daemon.
If you're encountering permission errors after running `docker compose up, you might be dealing with orphaned volumes left by a previous Docker Compose run. This is a known issue with Docker volumes. Run the following command to delete all orphaned volumes:
docker compose down -v --remove-orphans
This command:
Stops the running containers defined in the Docker compose file.
Removes the containers.
Deletes the networks created by the Docker compose.
Deletes the volumes associated with the containers.
Removes any orphaned containers (containers that were not defined in the docker-compose.yml but are part of the Docker Compose project).
If you are trying to connect to a different database on the server rather than in a docker like this implementer, try the following:
Is your DB running on host that runs Docker? If so please see How to access host port from docker container - Stack Overflow
Then use the host.docker.internal in OMRS_DB_HOSTNAME env in docker-compose instead of localhost.
Next steps
Once you've set up your O3 instance, there are various things you might want to do, including:
Setting up a TLS certificate for your instance. This is important if you're planning to run your instance in production. You can use a service like Let's Encrypt(opens in a new tab) to get a free TLS certificate.
Changing the default language of your instance. You can do this by navigating to the
section of the legacy OpenMRS UI and changing the default locale.Customizing O3. You can tweak your branding, tweak your import map to add or remove widgets from your distribution, and more.
Ensuring that your modules are working correctly (this is relevant only if you're setting up O3 on top of an existing database). You can use the
Manage modules
page in the legacy admin interface to see whether modules are running correctly.Testing various features - try registering a patient and launching their chart. Look out for any console errors or any errors in the UI, You might also want to look out for errors in the browser's devtools network tab. If you don't have the
module running, you should expect to see problems with rendering the patient banner and most other widgets in the chart because things in the chart depend on a validpatient UUID
being available, and the patient object gets fetched via a FHIR endpoint,Thinking about how to set up your forms in O3. Forms in O3 are built using JSON and conform to this standard schema, If your existing forms were built using HTML Form Entry, you'll need to convert them into JSON schemas. Check out the embedded form builder in O3 for an idea of what this format looks like. The schema editor can allow you to build a new form using a dummy schema scaffold. To learn more about forms in O3, read the
Building forms in O3
An OpenMRS module exists for converting HTML Form Entry schemas into JSON schemas compatible with the O3 standard schema at in a new tab). Currently, work is ongoing to improve the tool. Go through the repo's README to learn what's possible.
Useful links
O3 implementator documentation(opens in a new tab) (most of the content from this has been included in this guide)