2011-03-17 Developer Meeting



How to Join


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In Attendance

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Roger Friedman

  • Greg Kelleher

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Ben Wolfe

  • @Michael Downey

  • @Nyoman Ribeka 

  • @Paul Biondich

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Jeremy Keiper

  • @Aashish Mittal

  • @Ada Yeung

  • @Dawn Seymour

  • @Sriskandarajah Suhothayan

  • @Former user (Deleted)

  • @Jonah S. Mwogi

  • @Former user (Deleted)


  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)

  • 1.8 Update (5 min)

  • 1.9 Update (5 min)

  • Review of GSoC projects and associated mentors (45 min)

  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)


real-time collaborative notes

Meta (10 min)

  • TODO: Darius/Ben will ensure agendas are "full" generally

  • TODO: Dawn will send out reminder notices weekly to dev list

1.8 update (10 min)

  • TRUNK-2054 will be moved to 1.9 (but WILL be fixed in 1.9 per Paul)

  • TODO Wyclif will create a new small linked ticket to revise the help text with relevant links as described in the comments of TRUNK-2054

  • TODO Wyclif will open a ticket for css bug for the logout/help unclickable links (Who found this?)

  • Darius reported PIH is continuing work on testing 1.8 in Lesotho and have found a few issues with html form entry. Ellen Ball is also doing testing.

  • AMPATH is (still) just about ready to test 1.8. 

GSoC '11 (40 min)

  • TODO Win & Darius to fill out project description for Improved Person Attribute Types

  • TODO Darius to talk to Mark/Mike about Mark doing a project (perhaps address hierarchy)

  • TODO Darius to talk to UW people and get a description up Today (Thursday)

  • All agreed that no mentor should end up doing more than one project as primary mentor.

  • Robby O'Connor is volunteer student "ambassador" to answer student questions and concerns from a prior student's point-of-view

  • TODO Medic Mobile team would like to do a project. Dieterich is willing to mentor it.

  • SMARTplatforms.org project - possible to scope a GSoC project for this year?

(bonus topic) Reporting Sprint (10 min)

  • Starting next Monday 21-March: Upcoming sprint for reporting module.

  • Ben: Sprints will generally be 2 weeks long and cover roadmap-related items. There may be parallel sprints for different work targets. (Sprints are more extended and focused on daily work than hackathons.)

  • Darius: Sprints help to be more focused on roadmap and be more collaborative. Synergize!

  • Another 2.0 sprint for building patient dashboards (ben will be out that week). Good chance for people who want to get familiar with 2.0 framework.

  • TODO Anyone playing with 2.0 framework should provide feedback to Darius.

  • TODO Darius to keep 2.0 wiki page up-to-date, and include info about (un)changes to API.

(bonus topic) Boston meeting highlights (5 min)

  • Sprints

  • Non-profit organization planning

1.9 update (50 min)

  • Release manager?

  • Road map

  • TRUNK-412: 90% done? - Wyclif needs some ideas & feedback on design.** TODO: Wyclif to schedule a demo for his demoable work so far on a Thursday meeting (potentially next Thursday)

TODO: Roger to followup with Motech dev that was going to make a wiki page about their "ancillary system integration"

TODO: To add to upcoming agendas:

  • Concept mapping ui demo by Wyclif 3/24/11

  • ancillary system documentation 4/14/11

  • Order Entry simple ui suggestions and buy-in from a few impls 4/7/11

  • Design Visits 3/31/11

  • Web services update from Saptarshi 3/31/11

  • Sprinting (many dates)

  • Testing strategy modifications 4/7/11

  • soc discussions (2nd & 4th Thu after start of GSoC)

  • current release milestone discussed twice a month (4/14/22, 3/31/11)




  1. handler

    Wyclif will open a ticket for css bug for the logout/help unclickable links (Who found this?)

    Priority MEDIUM
    Mar 18, 2011
  2. handler

    Wyclif will create a new small linked ticket to revise the help text with relevant links as described in the comments of TRUNK-2054

    Priority MEDIUM
    Mar 18, 2011
  3. handler

    Wyclif to schedule a demo for his demoable work so far on a Thursday meeting (potentially next Thursday)

    Priority MEDIUM
    Mar 18, 2011
  4. handler

    Win & Darius to fill out project description for Improved Person Attribute Types

    Priority MEDIUM
    Mar 18, 2011
  5. handler

    Roger to followup with Motech dev that was going to make a wiki page about their "ancillary system integration"

    Priority MEDIUM
    Mar 18, 2011
  6. handler

    Medic Mobile team would like to do a project. Dieterich is willing to mentor it.

    Priority MEDIUM
    Mar 18, 2011
  7. handler

    Dawn will send out reminder notices weekly to dev list

    Priority MEDIUM
    Mar 18, 2011
  8. handler

    Darius/Ben will ensure agendas are "full" generally

    Priority MEDIUM
    Mar 18, 2011
  9. handler

    Darius to talk to UW people and get a description up Today (Thursday)

    Priority MEDIUM
    Mar 18, 2011
  10. handler

    Darius to talk to Mark/Mike about Mark doing a project (perhaps address hierarchy)

    Priority MEDIUM
    Mar 18, 2011
  11. handler

    Darius to keep 2.0 wiki page up-to-date, and include info about (un)changes to API.

    Priority MEDIUM
    Mar 18, 2011
  12. handler

    Anyone playing with 2.0 framework should provide feedback to Darius.

    Priority MEDIUM
    Mar 18, 2011
  13. handler

    Add upcoming agendas

    Priority MEDIUM
    Mar 18, 2011
