2008-10-16 Developers Conference Call


16 October 2008

In Attendance

  • Hamish Fraser

  • Mike Seaton

  • Justin Miranda

  • Ben Wolfe

  • Brian McKown

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Tammy Dugan

  • Andreas Kolleger

  • Nyoman (Win) Ribeka

  • Saptarshi Purkayastha

  • Paul Biondich

  • Martin Were

  • Dave Thomas


  • Andreas to give high level walk-through of changes in core code from the concept_name_tag merge.

  • Update on new website(s) – svn, dev, Verio hosting options

  • Logic-a-thon planning

  • Time-permitting, can we discuss the pros/cons of having an OpenMRS bug-tracking module?


  • Website update from Justin

    • Started the migration on Tuesday but wasn't able to log on due to a site wide problem with the OSU servers

    • Would be nice to get description of OSU backup procedures (backup vm completely?)

    • Burke installed Confluence on VM3 but not ready yet.

      • Want it to have single-sign-on.

        • Atlassian has hooks for subversion/trac. Maybe not forum.

        • None of us have extensive experience setting up LDAP server.

      • Want Fish-eye, etc.

  • Logic-a-thon Planning

    • Will check again with Sandy about plane tickets to Indy.

      • Darius, Justin, Mike will come to Indy. Dave has Peru trip planned.

    • Reviewing Tammy's logic-todo.doc distributed on developers' list.

      • Discussed "asOf" operator: sets the index date.

      • Discussed logic service cache.

        • Tammy will review/comment on ehcache jar in OpenMRS, its effectiveness and possible alternatives if necessary.

      • Importance of deciding optimization strategy now instead of optimizing later.

      • Categorize and prioritize Tammy's list

        • Which items will we work on in logic hack-a-thon.

        • Which items can be a ticket.

        • Which items other people can work on.

    • Logic-a-thon will focus on coding and not on design.

    • Tammy will work toward merging trunk to logic branch and then logic branch into trunk.

    • Summarize what logic does prior to logic-a-thon.

      • Update wiki page with overview and example code.

  • Overview of Concept_name_tag merge

    • Concept name vs. form fields?

    • Concept name distinguishes between things like: Lou Gherig's disease and ALS

    • Why are we storing on Obs the specific name for question as an option?

    • Concept Dictionary should represent reality.

      • Creating different concepts for each version and be able to treat them as one concept.

      • The prompt would be in the form definition.

      • Idea is to have flexibility on the form. (It is a view of a concept.)

      • Capture all contexts and what happened when recording.

    • How is concept_name_id used in Obs?

      • Obs.setConceptName(ConceptName name)

      • Quick patch that disables method on Obs and convert it in process of switching to form field.

    • Edit Concept

      • Can add locales (may take that away)

      • Can add mappings.

      • Support for tags.

        • Capability to distinguish between synonyms for a concept that could be a bar code or unofficial jargon. Like hidden synonyms.

        • Concept proposals can be tagged (multi-purpose use of tags).

    • Case Preserving. Case Insensitive. (universal thumbs-up to that.)

    • We cannot find the concept name wiki page. We love mediawiki but are really leaning towards confluence.

    • TODO

      • Temporary patch to disable Obs.setConceptName() and later remove it (add back in later as form field reference).

  • It would be awesome to set up an httpunit framework.

  • Thumbs down on bug-tracking module

    • Thumbs up on a hook in OpenMRS such as a feedback module

      • This could automatically e-mail or hook to JIRA/Trac and add what page/obs/concept/stacktrace/version etc.

    • Would*not send any patient data.

      • Insert Feedback icon viewable on any/all pages that would gather current context and let them add description and then make api call to tracking software.