Platform 2.6.0-beta Release Notes

Release Date: January 31st, 2022.

This version of OpenMRS Platform is a prerelease and not considered worthy for production use. Its function is to give users an idea of what to expect in the upcoming major release (Platform 2.6.0) and help discover any possible obscure new bugs.

What's New

OpenMRS Platform 2.6.0 Beta is the second pre-release version for testing, leading up to an eventual release of Platform 2.6.0 in 2023.


Special thanks goes to everyone that has contributed greatly to this particular version of platform. Thanks @Daniel Kayiwa @Ian Bacher @Mike Seaton @Burke Mamlin  for the technical guidance , platform team talk, design and business analysis,  development and other aspects involved in ensuring this version introduces new features and fixes to the prior versions released. 

Goes without saying, thanks to the whole OpenMRS community and the various developers who worked on the various tickets to be included in this release @Ian Bacher  @Christopher Miiro   @Himabindu Akkinepalli @Mike Seaton   @Namanya Abert @Saurabh Nigam   @Wikum Weerakutti @raff @kimote Hillary  @Joshua Nsereko @Mark Goodrich  Testers from the QA Team for automating Some tests @Piumal Rathnayake  @Jayasanka Weerasinghe  @Sharif Magembe @Kakumirizi Daud@Christine Gichuki @Irene Nyakate  @Juliet Wamalwa and the Entire QA Team , @Grace Potma for interfacing with MFE squad , @Ian Bacher   @Piotr Mankowski  from the Fhir squad.

Community Input

We welcome all users to download this beta version of OpenMRS Platform 2.6.0 and test it out and thereafter report the results. You can also test it out using the UAT Platform Server which is currently running the beta version. We especially ask current users try this version out on their own database and with their custom modules

Note : A lot of automation has been done and still going on . But there are certain things which cannot be achieved through automation(e.g library / server version upgrades and the after effects ) , therefore the need for this testing. If a new bug is found, send an email to one of the mailing lists or create a new JIRA ticket (click upper right icon) Signup for an ?OpenMRS ID. We request module owners to verify their module works with Platform 2.6.0 Beta. We request the implementers to try out Platform 2.6.0- beta with the latest (currently 2.12.0)RefApp release in a staging environment. It would to great to know about features that are missing or faulty just incase.

Download From Sourceforge

Bundled Modules

  • webservices 2.38.0

  • FHIR 1.8.0

  • OWA 1.14.0

Priority Ticket Statuses at the time of the Beta release

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

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