2007-12-06 Developers Conference Call


6 December 2007

In Attendance

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Brian McKown

  • Ben Wolfe

  • Justin Miranda

  • Christian Allen

  • Hamish Fraser

  • Maros Cunderlik


  • Discussed assignments for api_report_refactoring

    • Brian is all but done with the backport of parameters into the old cohort filters

    • Ben is starting on serialization of the report schema

    • Justin is working on logic stuff

    • Darius is...

  • Discussed serialization contained in the sync branch.

  • Maros said that sync isn't really using much of it. They found that using the hibernate interceptor they were able to receive back key-value pairs of properties. The interceptor also takes care of sub-objects and dependencies so they don't have to worry about it.

  • Ben will look into using the simple xml framework that was put into the concept_name_branch for openmrs serialization

Meeting Adjourned