MDR-TB Module Version 1.0

MDR-TB Module Version 1.0

The MDRTB module is an OpenMRS module designed to assist physicians and M & E staff with the clinical management of MDR-TB patients. The module allows for easy management of bacteriologies (smears and cultures), drug sensitivity tests (DSTs), and treatment regimes, and provides forms for patient intake, follow-up, and monthly tracking register (the WHO Cat-4 treatment card). The module additionally provides instantaneous exports of the WHO quarterly, 6-month, and annual reports.

The module's stand-alone installer can be downloaded here:

mdrtb stand-alone installer

mdrtb components for 1.5 openmrs installation

The latest version of just the .omod for OpenMRS 1.3.x (only to be used for updates after running the mdrtb stand-alone installer) is available here:

latest module for OpenMRS 1.3.x

And, further documentation is available here:

mdrtb help documentation

The module was originally piloted in Nepal, and has since been successfully put into production in Pakistan and Haiti, and is currently being rolled-out in Rwanda and Botswana. The latest version of the installer includes full support for French.

Standard Regimen Support

There is an XML configuration file that now lives in <<tomcat dir>>\webapps\openmrs\WEB-INF\view\module\mdrtb\resources called mdrtbRegimenSuggestionTemplate.xml that allows you to create mappings for standard and empiric regimens. Regimens in this file will appear in the drug dropdown list when creating a new drug order in the regimens tab for a patient, and can be selected just as one can currently select a single drug. Configuration information for a regimen can be found in the comments in the XML file. To disable this feature, simply comment out all regimens in the XML file.

How the MDRTB module differs from other modules, or why isn't the module in the module repository?

The MDRTB module depends on a specific set of metadata including several hundred concepts that must exist in your concept dictionary. Right now, the module upload routines in OpenMRS do not provide a mechanism for this metadata content delivery (although the architecture is currently being discussed). Therefore, simply installing the module into an existing system won't work.

The module install contains a database dump of a blank database with a single test patient and all of the metadata needed by the module. The installer currently only works on Windows, and is a stand-alone installation, but the components in the installer (in the root installer folder, and the /scripts folder) can be easily substituted into production OpenMRS installation instructions for a multi-user implementation. These instructions are available here and here.

Latest components

Here are the latest components for download as of March 13, 2010.

birt 1.9.0 module
formentry 4.2.1
formimportexport 1.7.0
htmlformentry 1.5.3
[ mdrtb 1.5.4|http://resources.openmrs.org/mdrtb/mdrtb-1.5.4.omod]
openmrs.war 1.5.x
concept source update for 1.5.x data model