2015-01-22 Developers Forum
2015-01-22 Developers Forum
- Former user (Deleted)
- Burke Mamlin
- Jamie Thomas
Owned by Former user (Deleted)
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- Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
- Input on community policy for ownership & support/maintenance of modules
- GSoC Prep: Focus Bug Fixes (15 min) - Paul
- Review next meeting agenda
OpenMRS Developers Forum 2015-01-22
- Michael Downey
- Burke Mamlin
- Aniketha _
- Ryan Yates
- Bhavana _
- Maurya _
- Tharunya
- Wyclif Luyima
- Darius Jazayeri
- Paul Biondich
- Sandeep Raparthi
- Daniel Kayiwa
- Cosmin Ioan
- Vaibhav Agarwal
Agenda & Notes
- Review last week TODOs
- TODO: Burke will create a Talk topic on deciding goals/expectations of hackathon as well as determining expertise of attendees
- TODO: Pascal will talk to group from Mozambique to get ideas/goals
- Bob Joliffe, Zeferino and (definitely) Pierre at the conference, so the DHIS2 module is def still and option.
- Mozambique devs: The only idea that really came out was a pharmacy module. They want something simple to manage stock and report on pickups. The spec isn't really fleshed out but it won't be too heavy I don't think. We are planning a tech team meeting on Monday though, so could write the spec then.
- Run through strategy for each OpenMRS 2.2 distributed module on design forum soon (Jamie Thomas)
- Invite Bahmni team to present their OpenERP integration as a form of billing support OOB for OpenMRS RA (Jamie Thomas)
- Invite PIH to present "2.0-ified" appointment module for potential RA integration
- TODO: Put out a call for volunteer OpenMRS 2.2 release manager (?)
- TODO: get Wyclif in touch with David & Audrey to coordinate sprint kickoff time. (?)
- TODO: Burke to define the explicitUpstream coordinator role and look for someone(s) to fill it
- TODO: See if we could make a script to Create a database/table/document to track libraries
TODO: Suranga to share output of version diff for CORE with dev list
- Hackathon ideas
- DHIS folk may be on site, so DHIS integration may be a viable theme
- Some interest in a pharmacy module
- TODO: Who is owning the hackathon? Wyclif
- Perhaps: add a feature (e.g. rating) to modulus
- concept management
- Comments on upstream coordinator
- Make tickets for the biggun's like hibernate, java, spring
- Input on community policy for ownership & support/maintenance of modules
- There are hundreds of modules
- Some of our issues
- How do we determine when a module is popular vs. community-supported vs. distributed?
- Those modules distributed in the reference application should be considered & treated as our core code (i.e., same as we treat openmrs-core).
- Having someone(s) who feel(s) ownership of a community-supported module is a good thing. Sadly, no every community-supported module will have an "owner" or "owner(s)", so it's up to the community to maintain the module as best as we can.
- Community supported modules include distributed modules, but (assuming we get data for them) popular modules that we will include in the list of things we want people to work on.
- When should modules be in the OpenMRS org
- Communicating to module owners
- Identifying module owners
- What do we do when a distributed module has no clear ownership? Is a module owner required for a module to be distributed or community-owned?
- Getting data about modules
- Usage from Atlas
- Ratings in Modulus
- TODO: quarterly "module review" call on dev forum to review list of community supported modules and make decisions on how things should change
- GSoC Prep: Focus Bug Fixes
- Need to get intro tickets and projects ready for GSoC
- Next week
- No meeting - Maputo 2015 #MOZ15
- Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)