Patient Summary Widget Documentation
Featured add: 2.6
This page provides documentation of widgets that can be added to the patient dashboard. To add or modify go to System administration → Manage apps.
If you want to override the behavior of existing one, make sure to use the exact appId of the existing one in all places ( app ID input and json config)
If you want to create a new one based on one of the following examples, make sure you use a different appID in all places
- 1 Section Configuration Parameters
- 2 Latest Obs For Concept List
- 3 Obs Across Encounters
- 4 Obs Graph
- 5 Data Integrity Violations
- 6 Relationships
- 7 Recent Visit by Encounter Type
- 8 Programs List
- 9 Program Status
- 10 Program History
- 11 Bahmni Appointments Widget (Capability).
- 12 Dispensed Medication Widget
- 13 Image sample
- 14 There are a number of additional features that would be helpful on the dashboard:Future enhancements
Section Configuration Parameters
The following parameters are required for each section
key | required | description |
title | required | The title of the section |
provider | optional | A valid moduleId |
fragmentId | optional | A valid fragment |
icon | optional | The icon displayed for the heading |
order | optional | How does this work elsewhere |
extensionId | required | The extension where the widget is displayed (How does one configure the section to appear in multiple extension points) |
Latest Obs For Concept List
Shows a list of concepts and the latest observations for each one.
Configuration Parameters
key | required | default | values | description | minimum version |
concepts | required |
| Comma delimited list of Concept numeric id, uuid, or mapping | * Provides the concepts whose most recent obs or group observations are returned are returned. |
conceptNameType | optional |
| Specifes the preferred format for displaying both the concept and any value-coded concepts. The values correspond to "FULLY_SPECIFIED", "SHORT", and locale_preferred = true, respectively. |
maxAge | optional |
| Numeric integer with a suffix for example: | The maximum age of most recent obs for each of the items in the concept list |
obsGroupLabels | optional | none |
| May be used when obs grouping concept uuid(s) are used in the concept key. |
nLatestObs | optional | 1 | Numeric integer | Specifies the number of latest non voided observations for a/each concept specified in the concepts key. |
Note that large lists of concepts or large values of nLatestObs may impact performance.
Example Latest Obs For Concept List widget app configuration
"id": "coreapps.latestObsForConceptList",
"instanceOf": "coreapps.template.dashboardWidget",
"description": "",
"order": 10,
"config": {
"widget": "latestobsforconceptlist",
"obsGroupLabels": "FSN",
"icon": "icon-user-md",
"label": "Concept List",
"maxAge": "10d",
"extensions": [
"id": "org.openmrs.module.coreapps.mostRecentVitals.clinicianDashboardFirstColumn",
"appId": "coreapps.latestObsForConceptList",
"extensionPointId": "patientDashboard.firstColumnFragments",
"extensionParams": {
"provider": "coreapps",
"fragment": "dashboardwidgets/dashboardWidget"
Image Sample without group obs concept
Image Sample of grouped obs
Obs Across Encounters
Shows obs with given concepts across multiple encounters based on date. When a concept has no value in an encounter then the value is left blank. If an encounter has multiple obs with the given concept then they will be displayed in separate rows.
Configuration Parameters
key | required | default | description | minimum version |
concepts | required |
| Comma delimited list of Concept uuids whose observations are to be shown |
maxRecords | optional | 4 | The maximum number of encounters to be shown |
maxAge | optional | no limit | The maximum age of most recent obs for each of the items in the concept list Numeric integer with a suffix for example: |
encounterType | optional | no filter | Filters encounters by encounter type, specified by its UUID. |
encounterTypes | optional | no filter | Introduced with Coreapps v1.29.0. Comma delimited list of encounter type UUIDs. Filters Observations of the same concept from multiple encounters. |
showEncounterTypeName | optional | false | Introduced with Coreapps v1.29.0. Can be used with/without 'encounterTypes' parameter/key. Specifies whether to display name of Encounter/Encounter-type (the name could be a message property for i18n) for which observations belong on an entry/row. |
useConceptShortName | optional | false | If set to true, the widget would display the concept SHORT name for the coded obs. By default, the obs.value.display is displayed |
useConceptNameForDrugValues | optional | false | If set to true, the widget will display the concept name for drug values, rather than the drug name. |
headers | optional | null | A list of custom column headers. e.g. ",mirebalais.vitals.short.heartRate.title,mirebalais.vitals.short.temperature.title" |
showDateWithTime | optional | false | If set to true, the widget would display the date with the time component. |
datetimeFormat | optional | null | Specify a format for the datetime, if not specified it will use the Global Property with datetime format. |
showEncounterProviderName | optional | false | If set to true, the widget would display the provider or providers of the encounter. |
Example Obs Across Encounters widget app configuration
"id": "coreapps.obsAcrossEncounters",
"instanceOf": "coreapps.template.dashboardWidget",
"description": "",
"order": 10,
"config": {
"widget": "obsacrossencounters",
"icon": "icon-user-md",
"label": "Health Trend Summary",
"detailsUrl": "dispensing/{{patient.uuid}}",
"maxRecords": "3",
"maxAge": "1w"
"extensions": [
"id": "org.openmrs.module.coreapps.mostRecentVitals.clinicianDashboardFirstColumn",
"appId": "coreapps.obsAcrossEncounters",
"extensionPointId": "patientDashboard.firstColumnFragments",
"extensionParams": {
"provider": "coreapps",
"fragment": "dashboardwidgets/dashboardWidget"
Image Sample
Note: As of Coreapps v1.29.0, the column containing the date (Encounter) was changed to 'Date' and that the actual 'Encounter' column is configurable by the 'showEncounterTypeName' config parameter to display the Encounter/Encounter-type name associated with the observations.
Obs Graph
Shows a graph of obs values for a concept with numeric values
Configuration Parameters
key | required | default | description | minimum version |
conceptId | required |
| Comma delimited string of concepts UUIDs whose values are to be graphed. Only concepts with a numeric data type are to be graphed |
maxResults | required | 4 | The maximum number of observations to be graphed |
maxAge | optional |
| The maximum age of most recent obs for each of the items in the concept list Numeric integer with a suffix for example: |
encounterTypes | optional |
| Comma delimited string of Encounter Type UUIDs. Only the observations from the given list of encounter types will be taken for drawing graph. |
function | optional |
| e.g. (bmi, "WEIGHT_CONCEPT_UUID", "HEIGHT_CONCEPT_UUID"); | 1.31 |
showLegend | optional | true | Boolean true/false indicating whether or not to display the graph legend | 1.32 |
hideConcepts | optional |
| Comma delimited string of concept UUIDs whose lines should not be plotted. This is useful if using the function config parameter that computes the value of one or more concepts but wanted to plot only the computed value. |
duringCurrentEnrollmentInProgram | optional |
| String indicating the UUID of a program. Only the obs that are collected during this program enrollment will be displayed. | 2.0 |
Example Obs Graph widget app configuration
"id": "coreapps.obsGraph",
"instanceOf": "coreapps.template.dashboardWidget",
"description": "",
"order": 10,
"config": {
"widget": "obsgraph",
"icon": "icon-bar-chart",
"label": "Obs Graph",
"conceptId": "5090AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,3ce93cf2-26fe-102b-80cb-0017a47871b2",
"maxResults": "6",
"maxAge": "1w",
"encounterTypes": "f120a111-dd2a-4a03-b184-c36b1969c827,e63b5ad2-4470-4d22-8c39-661b534043de",
"showLegend": false,
"function": "(bmi, 5090AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, 3ce93cf2-26fe-102b-80cb-0017a47871b2);",
"hideConcepts": "5090AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,3ce93cf2-26fe-102b-80cb-0017a47871b2"
"extensions": [
"id": "org.openmrs.module.coreapps.mostRecentVitals.clinicianDashboardFirstColumn",
"appId": "coreapps.obsGraph",
"extensionPointId": "patientDashboard.firstColumnFragments",
"extensionParams": {
"provider": "coreapps",
"fragment": "dashboardwidgets/dashboardWidget"
Image Sample
Data Integrity Violations
Shows the data integrity module violations for a patient
Configuration Parameters
key | required | default | description | minimum version |
maxResults | required | 6 | The maximum number of violations to be displayed. A link to fix the violation is only available if the action_url column has a value |
Example Data Integrity widget app configuration
Image Sample
Shows the relationships for a patient
Configuration Parameters
key | required | default | description | minimum version |
maxRecords | required | 6 | The maximum number of relationships to display |
baseAppPath | optional | /coreapps | Provides the ability to embed the relationships widget in a different module and page than the default coreapps clinician facing dashboard |
dashboardPage | optional | /coreapps/clinicianfacing/ | Indicates to which page to navigate when clicking on a relative |
providerPage | optional | null | If configured, it indicates the page to navigate if the relationship points to a provider |
includeRelationshipTypes | optional |
| Comma delimited list of relationship type UUIDs. It provides the ability to filter which relationship types should be allowed to be created. By default all relationship types are displayed |
editPrivilege | optional |
| Indicates the privilege required to edit patient relationships. If you want to edit relationships via the widget you need to assign "Task: coreapps.editRelationships" privilege to the logged on user. |
Example Relationships widget app configuration
Image Sample
Recent Visit by Encounter Type
Shows the recent visits for a patient by encounter type
Configuration Parameters
key | required | default | description | minimum version |
| required | 6 | The maximum number of recent visits to show |
| optional |
| The maximum age of most recent obs for each of the items in the concept list Numeric integer with a suffix for example: |
| optional | true | When true shows a comma delimited value of encounter types that occur on the same visit, when false shows each encounter type on its own row for the same visit. |
| optional | false | When true, the date displayed is the encounter datetime instead of the encounter's visit start date.
Example Visits By Encounter Type widget app configuration
Image Sample
Programs List
Shows the programs the patient is currently enrolled in, as well as historical programs. Serves as an access point into programs-specific dashboards.
Configuration Parameters
key | required | default | description | minimum version |
dateFormat | optional | yyyy-MM-dd | Date format to use when displaying dates |