Guide for the New and Curious

Guide for the New and Curious

Thank you for your interest in joining the global OpenMRS Community! We're made up of people from a wide variety of backgrounds and skill sets, from development to translation, to create and maintain solutions to various countries' problems, as shown below.

This is an open-source project where your code, documents, QA testing, and translations can literally save lives. Your contributions help OpenMRS improve health care delivery in resource-constrained environments.

This page will help you get started by joining our communication channels and finding the right project team or squad that you want to contribute towards. Whether you are looking for a short-term project or to grow your contribution and skills over the long term, we hope this guide gives you the information you need to join the community and get started.

Step 1: Learn about OpenMRS


If you've spent some time on our website or our Wiki, you've likely heard a lot about how OpenMRS is transforming medical record digitalization. However, take a little more time and learn about how we operate as a collaborative global network through these helpful guides:

OpenMRS Academy!

Want a structured walk-through of how our community works, and an overview of our community software? Check out the courses on the new OpenMRS Academy: https://openmrs.org/academy/

See especially the OpenMRS Fundamentals Academy course.

Step 2: Sign up for Communication Channels

With a global network of members, staying connected digitally is important. Follow these quick steps to get set up on all our relevant communication channels. Different groups and teams may use different platforms, so learn about their differences with our Communication Channels guide. Then, come back here and go through the following steps to begin receiving access and meeting core OpenMRS members.

  1. Sign up for an OpenMRS ID at id-new.openmrs.org - this is a key step for participating in the community.

  2. Sign into our Community Forum, OpenMRS Talk, with your OpenMRS ID. Introduce yourself to other members of the community! If you're new to Discourse, click on your first notification to begin the interactive tutorial.

  3. For real-time or near real-time communication, you can find us on the following platforms:

    1. Join conversations OpenMRS Talk

    2. Join the OpenMRS Slack

  4. Make yourself familiar with the OpenMRS Wiki, or bookmark it for later

We know signing up on the wiki can get a bit confusing, so we made a short video to help you out.

NOTE: When signing in to Atlassian, make sure your email syntax follows this format: openmrsID@id.openmrs.org.

Step 3: Meet the Teams

OpenMRS is made up of teams whose work is crucial to routine and long-term community activities, projects, and/or modules. Our teams draw on a wide range of abilities and skills. Read more about our current teams and find your fit!

Community Management and Operations

Technical Architecture Committee

Community Management and Operations

Technical Architecture Committee

The Community Management and Operations Team provides overall governance of our community and operations. That includes community conventions, grant management (ie: workplanning, reporting, etc), collaboration with third parties, and upholding community values.

If you're interested in community management at OpenMRS, come learn more about us. All are welcome.

Community Management & Operations Team Notes

The Technical Architecture Committee (TAC) oversees OpenMRS' overall technical and system architecture. Their goal is to ensure our software products are built and released correctly.

Anyone is free to contribute to TAC starting with participating in weekly team calls.

Technical Architecture Committee Wiki Page

Global Events


The Global Events eam is responsible for bringing the OpenMRS community together, globally and locally, in-person or virtually,

Our primary purpose is organizing the annual Implementer's Meeting, from developing the budget to planning individual events.

If you have a passion for event planning, we can use your enthusiasm and skill.

Global Events Team Wiki

Healthcare systems demand software that can be used in any country, with any language, so we must always grow our system's internationalization, localization, and translation repositories. Whether or not you’re a professional translator, consider helping us translate the OpenMRS product.

Help Translate OpenMRS

Step 4: Squads

Looking for a short-term or a more focused commitment? Squads are smaller groups working on discrete/time-limited community activities, projects, and modules. Squads are supported by Teams, which perform more general work. Here are the primary Squads looking for contributors: Squad Dashboard

Step 5: Choose Your Flight Path and Begin Contributing