Content Package Specification

Content Package Specification

Unlike modules, content packages are not natively supported by OpenMRS. One cannot simply drop a content package zip file into one’s OpenMRS Application Data Directory and expect OpenMRS to be able to install it. Instead, content packages work as components of a distribution, and are build components that the OpenMRS SDK is able to process when building a distribution or installing or deploying a distribution to an SDK server.

Content package structure and identification

All content packages should adhere to the following conventions:

  • A content package should be identified via a set of Maven coordinates that allow publishing and retrieval in a Maven repository as a zip artifact

  • A content package zip file should have the following structure. Each of the following are optional:

    • A file named content.properties at the root. See content.properties section below for more details on the make-up of this file.

    • A directory named configuration at the root, with sub-directories named backend_configuration and frontend_configuration

    • Files within the configuration/backend_configuration directory should match the expected format of the OpenMRS Initializer module

    • Files within the configuration/frontend_configuration directory should match the expected format of O3 configuration JSON files

The content.properties file

The content.properties file is the primary mechanism that can be used to communicate the requirements and dependencies of the overall package. This includes the supported OpenMRS environment (specific core version or module version, for example), as well as any particular configuration values that are needed. If no content.properties file is present, the SDK will still process the content package, and will simply assume there are no dependencies or requirements. It is considered best practice to include a content.properties file, even if there is nothing yet to communicate in this file.

As a general rule, the supported properties in a content.properties file mirror the support properties in an openmrs-distro.properties file, with one main difference. The content.properties exist to provide information as to the range of properties that are required or supported, whereas an openmrs-distro.properties file provides the actual, resolved properties.

Informational properties:

All content properties should contain the name and version of the package:

name=My First Content Package version=1.0.0

Required component versions:

Any components that the content package needs to be present in order for the content package to function properly can be expressed in the same way in which components are added to an openmrs-distro.properties file. However, the biggest difference is that - instead of requiring a specific version, content properties support version ranges. For full documentation on how version ranges can be expressed, please consult the semver4j documentation. However, the most common example will be requiring an artifact that is >=x.y.z. Below are some example properties showing how to indicate that components of each supported type might be required:

# Platform minimum version war.openmrs=>=2.4.0 # Backend modules omod.fhir2=>=1.8.0 omod.webservices.rest=>=2.42.0 omod.initializer=>=2.5.2 # Owas owa.orderentry=>=1.2.4 # Frontend modules spa.frontendModules.@openmrs/esm-patient-chart-app=>=8.1.0

Variable properties:

It is quite common for a content package to define new metadata that it requires, along with configurations that use that metadata. Variables provide a means to support 3 primary use cases around this:

  1. If the same value (e.g. a particular concept uuid) is used across one’s content package in several files, one can extract that out to a variable, and then reference that variable in each file where it is needed. This eliminates copying the same hard-coded value throughout one’s configuration.

  2. If the author of a content package wants to support both new implementations with suitable default values, and also wants to support existing implementations that may already have some of the needed metadata in place with different identifiers (e.g. existing encounter types with different uuids than the defaults provided by the package author), then the author can extract such values out into variables with defaults. This will allow consumers to use or override these defaults via properties added to their openmrs-distro.properties file if needed.

  3. If the author of a content package wants to require that a consumer explicitly provides a value into their content package, for which there is no appropriate default, then the author can declare this variable without a default value in their content.properties. Including such a content package in a distribution will cause that distribution to fail to build until the distribution author provides a suitable value in their openmrs-distro.properties file.

Variables are defined as used as follows:

Within the content.properties file, add a new property with the var. prefix:


And then within any of the configuration files, you would add a variable reference like follows (here you do not include the var. prefix:

A consuming distribution could then include this content package and override these variables as follows:


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