Linking to an O3 Package
Presently, OpenMRS 3.x (O3) ships the React Form Engine.
This version leverages React and Carbon design system to get its look and feel to match that of O3.
If you wish to modify the Form Engine and test it within O3 (or any other O3-based frontends), follow the steps outlined below:
You need to have yarn installed on your system. You can check for whether yarn is installed by running:
yarn -v
If this doesn't return a version number, you likely don't have it installed. To install it on your system, run:
npm install -g yarn
Additionally, the openmrs-esm-patient-chart repository expects you to have Node.js v16.x.x
or higher installed on your system.
Fork and clone the React Form Engine repository.
into your clone.pwd
to get the path of the React Form Engine , which you will use later. You should see something like/Users/johndoe/code/openmrs-form-engine-lib
The engine is a library and not an O3 MF module. It can be consumed by bundling it within an ESM or custom frontend app that incorporates it within a UI workflow.
You can make changes to the library and test them on forms in the O3 patient chart.
Open your local
clone. Install dependencies using:yarn
We'll then link the
from the previous step inside ofpackages/esm-form-engine-app
. To do so, run:cd packages/esm-form-engine-app yarn link ... # where ... is the path to your `openmrs-form-engine-lib` directory from the previous step. It could look like: /Users/johndoe/code/openmrs-form-engine-lib.
If you're using Windows, you might need to wrap your path in double quotes.
It is very important that this step works correctly to establish the link between the formengine library and the frontend.
Open the package.json file in the esm-patient-chart-app
and confirm that in the resolutions section, you have something like
"resolutions": {
"@openmrs/openmrs-form-engine-lib": "portal:/Users/johndoe/code/openmrs-form-engine-lib"
into theopenmrs-esm-patient-chart
root directory and spin up your local copy of the formengine by running:yarn start --sources packages/esm-form-engine-app --port 8090 --importmap
Next, log into your 3.x frontend (could be
UgandaEMR Plus
,KenyaEMR 3.x
, or a community server likedev3
) in your browser.Congratulations! You should now be running the local version of the React form engine in your application.
To test, search for a patient and open their chart. Find the forms widget and launch a clinical form in the workspace.
Any changes made to the form engine app should propagate into the form displayed in the workspace.