UC 03 View all Concept Proposals

UC 03 View all Concept Proposals

CPM Requirements

Brief Description

View a list of all concept proposals. Should be customizable by status or by "submitted by me".

User has to be allowed to view the concept proposals based on his preferences.
Those preferences are
(1) User has to choose whether to see all proposals or the proposal submitted by
(2) User can choose the status of the proposals that he/she wants to view
(3) Ordering of the proposals in the table (Based on Alphabets)

If the table has some proposals proposed by the user who is currently viewing then if the user clicks it it should be shown to him in editable view. this methods suits for the applications only with the status "Under Review" and "more details required". This editable view can be used to resubmit the proposal again

Other type of proposals with the neither of the status(Under Review or more details required) or user is not the original proposer, if the user clicks it then the user will be shown non-editable form with the detailed proposal.

There will be a button to prompt the user to either subscribe for email updates on arrival of new concept proposals or to get the update on the subsequent changes happening on the proposed proposal. If the user has already subscribed for it the this button should not be displayed to him as "Unsubscribe".

UI mock up for this use case