2009-08-13 Developers Conference Call
13 August 2009
In Attendance
Ben Wolfe
Darius Jazayeri
Burke Mamlin
Paul Biondich
Nareesa Mohammed
Win Ribeka
Brian McKown
Zeshan Rajput
Justin Miranda
Rita Cuckovich
Mike Seaton
Hamish Fraser
Feature to add/edit Relationships via FormEntry module using HL7 NK1 segments. -Brian
We need more larger Projects -Ben
Retiring or deactivating of users? See #1725.
Relationships via FormEntry
Does the xslt make multiple hl7 messages from the formentry xml? -Darius
It does not have to, nk1 segments are part of the R01 message (like a PID and PV1)
Background: We need to create/update relationships through infopath forms
Formentry module needs a place for the relationships
The r01 parser in core needs to recognize this and create relationships
Hl7 has "suggested" codes (not required) for nk1 segments
We are proposing adding two 3 digit columns to relationship_type: aIsToBNk1 and bIsToANk1
Sec 3.4.5 of hl7 manual, the length of seq 3 (relationship) the length is 250 -Darius
Darius suggests using a fully specified name
Ben says that only works within openmrs, not for sending or receiving outside hl7
The nk1 is a triplet ID^NAME^CODE
Paul proposes we use relationship_type_id instead of the aIsToBNK1, etc
The proposal for the triplet is relationship_type_id^name^99REL
But there are two sides to a relationship, so relationship_type_id
Brian is concerned about two openmrs instances trying to send messages...the relationship_type_ids are different. If we used hl7 codes, then they could line them up beforehand
Darius points out that we need a ConceptMap/ConceptSource for all objects
Burke asks if this is an imagined or real need
Darius would need it for datatypes, etc
The nk1 code needs to be relationship_type_ida^name^99REL or relationship_type_idb^name^99REL e.g. 1a^Child^99REL or 1b^Parent^99REL
The text portion can be either just one side of the relationship, both relationships, or some other random text. That decision is left up to the author
The two columns are not needed with this solution
How to put the person in there? person_id? identifier?
nk133 has "identifier" and is a cx. It can have internal id, then patient identifiers if exists
Remote formentry will need to be modified as well
Paul: Should nk1's be creating new people? Should we have another hl7 message?
Yes, nk1s have all the info needed for creating a person is in there
The relationship lookup widget should create the person stub in the database. This allows the uuid and person_id to be created. When a second child comes along (with the same
TODO: Ben: The remoteformentry preparsing should preserve the uuid of the patient that was created remotely
We have several inquiries for projects based on openmrs for thesis'
We need to have several big projects on the Projects page
We need a place for just putting project ideas or suggestions. Perhaps the Talk__Projects page is best. This will just be for one
Should users be retirable instead of voidable?
Retired means "this was valid up until a certain time". Voided means "this was never valid". According to this, the Users should be 'retired'
Should users have an "active" flag to allow logging in?
Should this just be a module?
Paul: Someone should be able to be inactive but not retired.
Darius: If retired is not meant to be used for "this user is suspended for a while", then 'retired' is not needed.
Burke: active vs inactive is more about a lockout from being able to be logged in
Darius doesn't like having both retired and a status/active flag
TODO: Burke will create a ticket for changing users.voided to users.retired (Done: unnamed link)
TODO: Mike will make a ticket for creating a module to control user's creating their own accounts