2007-07-19 Developers Conference Call


17 July 2007


  • Discuss field/entity/row level authorization

    • Research Acegi Security framework

    • Modular approach using AOP

  • Summer of Code Updates

  • Mockups of UI re-design

  • Performance improvements for OpenMRS over slow connections

    • "Free lunch" in the form of browser-side gzip decompression of traffic -> actively testing

    • This improved measured page load times over a satellite connection by over 60%. (Uncached find-patient: improved from 1.9 minutes to 48 seconds. Cached find-patient: improved from 28 seconds to 10 seconds.)

In Attendance

  • Paul Biondich

  • Justin Miranda

  • Hamish Fraser

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Maros Cunderlik

  • Ben Wolfe

  • Brian McKown

  • Martin Were

  • Chris Renzaho

  • Mark Dionne
