2014-06-23 Project Management Meeting


Jun 23, 2014


  • @Chris Power

  • @Shasha Liu

  • @Michael Downey

  • @Burke Mamlin


  •  1.10 alpha bug fixes in order to promote to 1.10 beta

  •   Splitting up the tickets in 1.11 in order to get them reviewed (Community help welcomed!)

  •   Allergy feature planning

Discussion items










1.10 alpha bug fixes in order to promote to 1.10 beta

  • Here's the work we are trying to get done and try to get some dates done

  • @Wyclif Luyima - How much work is left to get this done?

    • Do we want a group of people or not?

    • What work after the bug fix tickets is there to get it into Beta.

    • Estimated times

  • Review the dashboard

  • Communication to the Community


Splitting up the tickets in 1.11 in order to get them reviewed (Community help welcomed!)


  • We need to decide on the mechanism to help drive this completion

    • What is the best way to go through 100's of tickets

    • Setup a call to talk through how this process should be

  • To do's

    • What needs to get done on each ticket? We want to really only take one pass through these tickets

      • Vetting

      • Creating a release note

      • Validate it works

      • Does it involve complexity that needs to be reviewed a second time

      • Basically 20 questions on review each ticket


Allergy feature planning


  • Get the frame work of the project setup (charter it) - initiate it

    • Set some dates

    • Design calls - first pass at a kick off meeting


Open Discussion


  • What are our methods to get work complete

    • Sprints

    • Kanban

    • Hackathon

    • Spikes

Action items

@Chris Power - Create a page on Methods to complete work
@Chris Power - Get us back into rotation on community dev lead (aka, get Rafal back into regular development)
@Burke Mamlin - Get an OpenMRS Talk conversation going about the recipe for the 1.11 tickets