Surgery Information - Operation Theater Module

Surgery Information - Operation Theater Module

Data collection throughout the workflow of a particular surgery is done with concepts and observation groups. This allows us to use the collected data to generate reports and perform analytics in the future.


The pre-theater data collection considers the following:

  • Past procedures - a user may enter the procedures the patient has undergone before, which may affect the current procedure. These are saved with an obs group that has the following concepts.

    • Procedure History (Grouping concept)

      • Procedure performed.

      • Procedure date/time

      • Procedure comment.

      These concepts are adopted from CIEL Concept Dictionary, and are therefore portable across systems.

  • Allergies - uses the current Allergy API to display the patient's allergies and add new ones.

  • Pre-theater drugs - uses the surgery information obs group explained below.


To record the drugs prescribed throughout the surgery and to keep a surgery note, a new concept set is introduced.

  • Procedure information (Grand-parent grouping concept)

    • Pre-theater drugs (parent grouping concept)

    • In-theater drugs

    • Post-theater drugs

    • Procedure History (same as before)

This concept set allows us to use an obs group that can record all drug prescriptions for a surgery. It also allows us to add a surgery note, which automatically creates a past procedure record with the current surgery.


The following clips walk through entering data to the system. All data entered are validated on the client side.


Pre-theater Data Collection


Post-theater Data Collection


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