2006-03-02 Developers Conference Call
<html><head><title></title></head><body>* Context
We need to separate user context and application context
Aspect oriented programming?
Need multi-level transactions
Discuss drug data model
(u) drug.name → drug.brand_name (varchar 255)
(d) concept.units
(u) drug.dosage_form → fk to concept
(u) drug.route → fk to concept
(d) drug.therapy_class
(d) drug.shelf_life
(a) drug.voided
(a) drug.voided_by
(a) drug.date_voided
(a) drug.void_reason
(d) drug.inn
(d) concept.view_count
(d) drug.daily_mg_per_kg
(u) drug.maximum_dose → drug.maximum_daily_dose
(u) drug.minimum_dose → drug.minimum_daily_dose
PIH to write up examples for combination drugs
Patient is allergic to 3TC. Therefore we also want to contraindicate Combivir and Triomune
Patient is resistant to 3TC. Therefore we also want to contraindicate Combivir and Triomune
Patient develops a side effect that may be due to a high dosage of something. To provide decision support we want to know the exact dosages of ingredients coming from combination drugs.
To check that the patient is on the correct dosage for their weight, we need to know the exact dosages of ingredients.
We stock out of Triomune. To figure out what substitution to make, we need to know the exact doses of ingredients.
PIH to write up ideas for modeling/handling units