2006-01-26 Developers Conference Call

<html><head><title></title></head><body>attendees: Darius, Christian, Justin, Paul, Ben, Burke

  • Overview of past week from PIH

    • Looking at notes/alerts/messaging/etc and have a plan for modeling

    • Darius working with reporting code

  • Alerts and notifications

    • Separate message and alerts

    • Alerts as "user-flagged errors" and notes similar

    • Notes service

      • Notes attached to objects (observation/patient/etc)

      • Some notes will need action/confirmation (ala "Alerts") and other won't

      • note_recipient table to track delivery/actions/etc

      • ?note_type to provide templates, possible actions, etc.

    • Message service

      • for unconfirmed messages (internal or external)

      • API will basically be a "sendMessage(who, subject, message)" function

      • user_properties will specify the e-mail address, pager #, etc. for each possible message "medium"

        • keys for user_properties will need to be formalized similar to the Java way of doing them — e.g., "org.openmrs.api.MessageService.openmrsEmailAddress"

        • keys should be placed on the User Properties wiki page

  • Paul talked about order modeling

