2010-01-21 Developers Conference Call

2010-01-21 Developers Conference Call


21 January 2010

In Attendance


  • Roadmap:

    • 1.6-alpha update

    • When do we do a performance release?

    • How is user interface redesign going to be released/planned?

  • Update on training seminar

  • Infrastructure: Modules server, status of Verio, etc.

  • Puntable ticket: Do we want a pre-search for concepts to prevent duplicates? unnamed link


1.6 Alpha release

  • Win has 1.6 up in Eldoret and people are testing. They have found some bugs with remote form entry, but he hasn't created any tickets yet. He will CC Burke and Darius when creating them.

    • Remote form entry error.

    • Can't find a newly-created user in the list.

    • Logic module issues.

    • Serialization module failing when deployed on 1.6. Ticket__1945

  • Bug testing: IU Bug Hunt 1.6.0 is on for several people within the IU community. 5 students have volunteered, and Wyclif will also be participating. People submitting bugs for the contest should make sure Michael Downey knows their ID in Trac, so he can keep track of their bug reports. The bugs should just be submitted as 1.6 - no special notes are necessary.

  • Mark Goodrich and Judy Wawira have both entered bugs so far.

  • There will not be an Alpha 2 until bugs have been submitted.

  • Discussion about module foreign keys continued from the mailing list.

  • Burke will restructure logic module in Subversion. Justin has an e-mail that details how to do this.

  • Ben will look into having core look for logic at startup.

Training workshop

  • Ben will firm up the timeline for each day for drop-in participants and the video streaming.

  • The event will be streamed live and will be archived for later playback. We have people expressing interest in watching from Botswana/U. Penn, and likely others. Michael Downey will work on finding someone else to work the cameras.

  • Hamish will try to attend, maybe one day TBD.

Darius will*not be available the week before the training. Burke was forced volunteered to be release manager during this time.

Darius will*not be available the week before the training. Burke was forced volunteered to be release manager during this time.

  • Darius and Dieterich Lawson from FrontlineSMS:Medic will be staying at Hotel Rajput.


  • Paul will contact the OSU lab after he's back in the US about hosting machines, and whether or not we could get a kind of shared-root model for app admin.

  • In the meantime, Ben will contact his colleagues at OSU about feasibility of the above given their existing services.