2010-04-01 Developers Conference Call

2010-04-01 Developers Conference Call


1 April 2010

In Attendance



Google Summer of Code update

  • Mentors need to send Michael their link ID for the SOC application in order to view proposals.

  • Mentors need to review their projects to make sure they have reachable targets.

  • Encounter Type Hierarchy was removed and Burke selected a different project to mentor (refine module administration)


  • This will be deferred to this day next year.

Reporting core module update

  • The coming release will not be backward compatible. This will be addressed in an upcoming release.

  • Justin has been working on the documentation over the next few weeks.

  • v0.4 will be ready as early as tomorrow afternoon. If it's out this week Paul will give Justin a bottled beverage of his choice.

  • New tickets will be moved over to Trac.

Messaging Module project update

  • InSTEDD has approached offering to help. They have developed something called Nuntium which has similar functionality but is developed in Ruby.

  • A working demo will be available to the community by end of day tomorrow 2-April.

  • Dieterich is powered by Mountain Dew drinks, but Burke will forgive him.

  • Action Points: 1) Dieterich will create some UI mockups and send them to the dev list. We would greatly appreciate help creating the UI for this module. 2) We would also appreciate anyone interested in implementing email or SMPP functionality for the module (SMPPAPI is one possible library to use).

  • Please find the module on the svn repository at http://svn.openmrs.org/openmrs-modules/messaging/.

Facility Data Module demo

  • Robby gave a demo of his GSoC 2009 project.

Monthly roadmap review

  • Ben reviewed the new Road_Map with community-driven priorities assigned to potential releases.

  • Anyone with feedback about when certain features should be implemented should contact Ben.

  • Anyone wanting to help with any of the new features in upcoming releases should contact Ben, too.

  • Sy discussed getting Spring 3 in to trunk. His changes have been code reviewed so this should happen soon. It is going to be added to 1.7.

