2010-09-23 Developers Conference Call
23 September 2010
In Attendance
@Michael Downey
@Jeremy Keiper
@Former user (Deleted)
@Wyclif Luyima
@Ben Wolfe
@Darius Jazayeri
@Burke Mamlin
Stephen Lorenz
@Glen McCallum
@Justin Miranda
Pascal Brandt
@Former user (Deleted)
@Former user (Deleted)
@Paul Biondich
@Former user (Deleted)
@Ada Yeung
Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
1.7 Release Update (10 min)
1.8 Release Update (45 min)
Status of outstanding tickets
1.9 Release Update (20 min)
Picking a release manager
Prioritizing tasks
New roles for community volunteers (30 min)
After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)
1.7 Release Update (actual duration: 30 min)
AMPATH is delayed starting testing (in terms of resources) and will not be able to start testing until next week
Burke: We need at least 2 or 3 days of testing, form entry, etc., to make sure there are no hidden issues. These kind of delays are a side effect of having only 2 or 3 implementations willing/able to do release testing. Hopefully that will change over the next year or two.
We need more QA volunteers overall!
Ben: Sy's last day is Wednesday. If 1.7 is not fully tested/released by that time, we need to have an interim release manager named.
Burke has some confidence that testing could be done by the end of day Wednesday, Kenya time, which could mean that 1.7 is released by the end of day Wednesday, Indianapolis time.
There are a few outstanding tickets that people are wrapping up which should be closed very soon, before next week.
1.8 Release Update (actual duration: 105 min)
There are 87 issues marked for 1.8, much more than the "top ten" that were originally planned.
Wyclif walked through the various tickets - see the 1.8 Dashboard for details
Discussion about TRUNK-298 ... is this in scope? Has performance actually improved? (Seems like it may not, yet.)
Paul: What is the general approach to improving performance in 1.8?
We need to get the performance test scripts into CI. Darius will open a ticket (see TODO's).
Darius: Can Sy finish TRUNK-1652 before he leaves? Once one is done, converting the other widgets is much easier.
Ben will temporarily take up TRUNK-28 in Sy's absence and he will re-assign it to someone else.
In the next week, Wyclif needs to come up with the finite list of what we work on within 1.8.
Paul: List in the relevant tickets, the benchmark test times for each major performance improvement area. Detail in those tickets should be different approaches to improve the performance, and the test times for those approaches should also be listed in the tickets.
We need to focus on quantitative performance measurements for 1.8.
Meeting Friday or Monday to refine "Top Ten" list.
1.9 Release Update
Deferred to a later date
New roles for community volunteers
Deferred to next week
Backchannel IRC transcript
Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download