2010-09-30 Developers Conference Call


30 September 2010

In Attendance

  • @Michael Downey

  • @Jeremy Keiper

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Mike Seaton

  • @Ada Yeung

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Paul Biondich

  • @Ben Wolfe

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Former user (Deleted)

  • @Stephen Lorenz

  • Wayne Naidoo

  • @Former user (Deleted)

  • @Dawn Seymour

  • Hamish Fraser



  • ~ 30 minutes late starting

  • 1.7 release (actual: 15 min)

    • AMPATH should be testing next week, testing should last for a few days.

    • HAS Haiti (via James Arbaugh) has been testing since RC1.

    • Ben is stepping up as interim release manager

    • Target release no later than 15-October.

  • 1.8 release (actual: 105 min)

    • Wyclif sent an email, calling for everyone to get their tickets finished within the next 2 weeks or so.

    • Code should be done within the next 4 weeks.

    • Paul asked about the status of the ?Top Ten List for 1.8 Performance Improvements and how each of those issues will be evaluated.

    • Grinder is now running on a testing box at Thoughtworks. We will be building up a long-term testing server at OpenMRS/IU.

    • Hudson kicks off the grinder tests and does a nice visualization of the results. However, since the box is not accessible by the public Internet, the grinder scripts will push the text/CSV results out to the OpenMRS CI web server for download and review by the "public" after they run.

    • Test scripts are not yet done being created for the 7 issues on the top 10 that can be quantified. This should have priority before people start working on tickets.

    • Because most of the issues are related to user experience / interface exposed through the web application, we decided to move to an alternative approach of using WebDriver. Zabil will work to get WebDriver set up on his side to test the issues on the top 10 list. We should then (via Maven) be able to automate this testing through CI/Bamboo.

    • A collaborative effort is necessary to get the dictionary and data where it needs to be in order to test all scenarios. This needs to be done before testing begins.

  • Deferred items:

    • OCC introduction

    • Issue voting & JIRA

    • Community volunteers

    • After action review
