2014-10-09 Developers Forum
2014-10-09 Developers Forum
Jamie Thomas
Burke Mamlin
Owned by Jamie Thomas
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- Order Entry, round 2: Order Sets, Templates, and Order Groups
- Review next meeting agenda
Developers Forum 2014-10-09
- Michael Downey
- Burke Maml.in
- Mike Seaton
- Sara Armson
- Wyclif Luyima
- Ryan Yates
- Ada Yeung
- Darius Jazayeri
- Daniel Kayiwa
- Willa
- Karl Wurst
Agenda & Notes
- Review last week's outstanding TODO's
- TODO: Burke to schedule a dev forum to revisit future release process/scheduling/strategy
- TODO: Suranga to get KenyaEMR team to describe how bundles are delivered
- Suranga will e-mail dev@ list calling attention to Steven Wanyee et al.
- How are they packaged (do they have to be baked into core applicationContext? Delivered via module?)
- What infrastructure changes exist to incorporate the bundle
- TODO: Someone to schedule design call(s) on how 2.x UI should handle the bundled content and including programs
TODO: Surangato start an OpenMRS Talk/dev@ list notification to further develop the roles of the "gardening" team.
- TODO: Jan to update the dev@ list thread about re-scheduling the QA topic and starting
- Order Entry, round 2: Order Sets, Templates, and Order Groups (to kick off a series of design calls on this topic)
- Definitions
- Order template = a pre-baked order (may not be fully completed and may have choices for parts or may be fully pre-configured)
- Order set = grouping of order templates and/or other order sets
- Order group = data about which orders were placed together
- Implementation dependencies
- order template could exist without order group or order set
- order group could exist without order template or order set
- order set needs order template to exist
- Use cases
- Storing order groups for storing regimen information
- Maybe be more flexible, but lacks the foreign key. Too slow?
- order_group_id
- order_group_type (java class)
- Out of the box = GenericOrderGroupType
- Out of the box = OrderSetOrderGroupType
- allows for OncologyOrderGroupType, ManualOrderGroupType
- order_group_data (text passed to java class)
After action review
Cancelled due to lack of interest in reviewing ourselves
What did you expect to happen?
What actually happened?
What can we do better?
- Preview next week
- FHIR update (Suranga)
- Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)
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