Previous View of Product Roadmap (2024)

Previous View of Product Roadmap (2024)


Strategy Themes - and the 4S’s (Stable, Scaleable, Sustainable, and Secure)

Better Care through Better Information.

Stronger digital health ecosystems in countries.

Improve healthcare for millions of people in challenging environments around the world, by empowering Healthcare Workers with the tools they need out-of-the-box.

🎁 Ready for Implementers to scale their work. (Stable)

  1. 📋 Feature-rich EMR for Outpatient management.

  2. 🏃 Easier deployment. Set-up wizard to get you started; tooling to make life easier when you scale.

  3. 📊 Sample Reports & some Clinician-friendly Data Viz

  4. 🏥 Facility-Wide. Growing into Inpatient care. Prioritizing integrations with non-EMR care areas, like Labs, Pharmacy, Inventory, and Billing/Insurance.

  5. ✅ Tested, Trusted Releases. Rapidly see your bug-fixes & new features in global releases. Mandatory test coverage; test automation in PRs and pipelines; regular release cadence with clear notes and stable versions #'s.

🧑‍⚖️ Ready for eHealth Leadership. (Scaleable)

  1. 🏛️ Aligned with Government eHealth Leaders' initiatives (eg HIE, UHC, charge-capture)

  2. ☁️ Cloud-Friendly. Without leaving last-mile sites behind.

  3. 🔒 Invest in Security. (Secure)

  4. 🔥 Invest in Standards, like FHIR.

  1. Squads. Work mainly happens through Squads, with Global Support Team support as-needed.

  2. 📖 Docs, 🎓 Academy. Documentation is mission-critical to working together and growing our community.

  3. Vibrant Community: Events and local networks. In-person and virtual connection opportunities. Build local/regional communities.

  4. Dedicated Mentorship Time. We mentor change agents.

  1. 🩺 Ready-to-Go Content.

  2. ✏️ Non-Dev Friendly Content tooling. Form building, clinical terminology management, content sharing. Increase what can be done where there’s not as much dev support available.

  3. 🛑 Decision Support that optimizes for pt safety.

  4. 🈶 In Many Languages. Scale through Translation, a translator community.

Product Roadmap


Recently completed (<1yr)


Actively being worked on, in-progress


Emerging as strong community priorities

❄️ Icebox

Ideas and needs, but no active work yet


Recently completed (<1yr)


Actively being worked on, in-progress


Emerging as strong community priorities

❄️ Icebox

Ideas and needs, but no active work yet