Release Notes 3.3.0 (Goal: 2025-02)

Release Notes 3.3.0 (Goal: 2025-02)

🔦 Key Points

  • 📆 Release Date: (GOAL: 2025-02)

  • Two major goals:

    1. Use Platform 2.7 in O3 RefApp

    2. Use Content Packages for all demo metadata previously baked-in to O3 RefApp

  • ⚠️ Breaking Changes:

    1. All required and optional metadata have been organized into separate content packages, and now allows users to opt out of demo metadata if preferred. Details in #873 and #889

    2. The question modals in the Form Builder have been refactored to support the addition of new question types and rendering options. Details in #359

  • Where to find it: Demo at o3.openmrs.org (admin/Admin123) or download here: openmrs.org/download/

👷 Contributors

Thank you so much to the following contributors - you make releases like this possible! Alphabetically by Organization affiliation:

WIP by @beryl

  • Madiro: @Pius Rubangakene @Vineet Sharma

  • Mekom: @Usama Idriss Kakumba

  • OpenMRS Support: @nethmi @Ian Bacher @Dennis Kigen @Veronica Muthee @Samuel Male

  • Palladium-Kenya: @Kennedy Makombe

  • IntelliSOFT: @munyua1 @gichuhi @samstar10

  • PIH: @Mark Goodrich @Chi Bong Ho

  • UCSF: @Jovan Ssebaggala @Cynthia Kamau

  • UW ITECH DIGI: @Ian Bacher

  • ICRC: @José Francisco @Pedro Sousa

  • SolDevelo: @Piotr Wargulak @Dawid Ruchniewicz

  • Independent Contributors: @twiine @harshthkkr @chintu @shettybharath @amosmachora @dilankavishka @Juliet Wamalwa @jayg

Special thank-you to Release Manager @nethmi !!

Contributor Metrics

Breakdown of contributors by Organizations, based on # of PRs committed in this release. (Source)

# PRs included: 132

# of Orgs involved: 10

% from OpenMRS Inc. Global Support: 39%

🔦 Highlights for Implementers

Upgraded to Platform 2.7: O3 RefApp now using latest version of platform.

Platform version 2.7 introduced several key enhancements, most notably support for concept reference ranges. This feature enables the development of functionalities such as age-based range alerts, significantly improving clinical decision support.

Full changelog here and the announcement here.

Read more about concept reference ranges here.

Use Content Packages for all demo metadata: previously, demo/sample metadata was baked-in to the O3 RefApp.

The O3 RefApp now ships with two content packages, one containing the basic metadata required to run an instance of O3, and the other containing demo metadata, which means its now much easier to get rid of the demo metadata you didn’t need!

To opt out of demo metadata is as simple as removing this line in the RefApp before building the instance.

Read more about content packages here and the announcement post about introducing content packages to the distro here.

🪢 Consistent patient banner: Refactored occurrences of patient banner to be visually consistent

Previously the patient banner would look different in searches vs the patient chart. All occurrences of the patient banner has now been refactored to reuse the same component, resulting in better visual consistency. Details in #1483

Support for More Order Types: the order basket now supports adding more order types.

Previously, the order basket had support for just drug and lab orders, but now you can configure to add support for additional order types. Details in #2109.

Form builder improvements: Support for creating obsGroup questions.

Previously, to create obsGroup questions, users would have to rely on using the JSON schema editor. The interactive builder now automatically shows an option to add sub questions when the question type is set to obsGroup. You can also delete sub questions and view the sub questions in much more friendly manner!

React Form Engine: Enhancements for question type support

🔍 Icons in Patient Chart’s left navigation: Added support for left nav icons.

📸 Example Visual Changes


Demo of an order basket with added order types

Order basket with additional order types

Support for creating/editing obsGroup questions

Demo of patient program summary card


Filter appointments by multiple types

Customize icons for the left nav items in patient chart

Consistent patient banner design throughout

🔍 Detailed Changelog


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