Angular Modal dialogs

Angular Modal dialogs

We like the ngDialog plugin, which makes nice-looking dialogs, and they're quite easy to do. We have included styling for it in the uicommons module under the default theme (ngdialog-theme-default).

Usage example, for a Confirm dialog:

GSP view using a dialog
<% ui.includeJavascript("uicommons", "angular.js") ui.includeJavascript("uicommons", "ngDialog/ngDialog.js") ui.includeCss("uicommons", "ngDialog/ngDialog.min.css") // you also need to have included referenceapplication.css or similar, which usually happens globally through the distribution   // also include your page's js %>   <div id="your-page-app" ng-controller="YourPageCtrl"> <script type="text/ng-template" id="dialogTemplate"> <div class="dialog-header"> <h3>Doing something</h3> </div> <div class="dialog-content"> <div> Why? <input type="text" ng-model="reason"/> {{ ngDialogData.helperData }} </div> <div> <button class="confirm right" ng-click="confirm(reason)">${ ui.message("uicommons.save") }</button> <button class="cancel" ng-click="closeThisDialog()">${ ui.message("uicommons.cancel") }</button> </div> </div> </script>   <a ng-click="showDialog()"> <i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> Show dialog </a> </div>   <script type="text/javascript"> // manually bootstrap angular app, in case there are multiple angular apps on a page angular.bootstrap('#your-page-app', ['yourpageapp']); </script>


The JavaScript backing this is:

angular.module('yourpageapp', ['ngDialog']). // make sure to declare a dependency on ngDialog in your app   controller('YourPageCtrl', ['$scope', 'ngDialog', function($scope, ngDialog) { $scope.showDialog = function() { ngDialog.openConfirm({ showClose: false, closeByEscape: true, closeByDocument: true, data: angular.toJson({ helperData: "One way to push data into the dialog" }), template: 'dialogTemplate' // in this example we defined this inline with <script type="ng-template"> but you can also give a url }).then(function(reason) { console.log("They chose reason: " + reason); }, function() { console.log("They clicked cancel"); }); }; }]);



There are a several different ways to pass data into the dialog from the enclosing controller, each of which you might use at different times:

Using "data"

Pro: Cleaner JavaScript code.

Con: Annoying need to refer to "ngDialogData" in the view. Could be expensive for a huge data model.

Pushing data into the dialog with 'data'
confirmDeleteRelationship = function(rel) { ngDialog.openConfirm({ data: angular.toJson({ relationship: rel }) template: "..." }); }   // in the view you can do something like this: // {{ ngDialogData.relationship.personA }} is related // via {{ ngDialogData.relationship.relationshipType.display }} // to {{ ngDialogData.relationship.personB }}


Using "scope"

Pro: Cleaner view code. More control and power.

Con: Non-obvious boilerplate JavaScript

Pushing data into the dialog with a custom scope


Using a controller

Pro: this is the best (I hadn't tried it yet when I wrote all the above)

It works something like this (I haven't actually tested this code)



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