Work Plan - GSoC 2014

Here is the timeline which we would follow, for the development of IHE module.


Start Date

End Date


Start Date

End Date


12th May 2014

18th May 2014

Explore about Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) and Hibernate Interceptors

See how HAPI library works.

19th May 2014

21st May 2014

Create a module and put up on Git Hub with the basic screen

22nd May 2014

26th May 2014

Hook up module with create patient functionality

27th May 2014

7th June 2014

Generate HL7 message for patient data (PAM Profile)

8th June 2014

23rd June

Send message to HIE

24th June 2014

26th June 2014

New screen for queue and retire message.

27th June 2014

2nd July 2014

Create table to store patient data

3rd July 2014

10th July 2014

Save unsent data in database

11th July 2014

15th July 2014

Display list of queued messages

16th July 2014

20th July 2014

Add option to enter schedule resend date via the User Interface

21st July 2014

3rd Aug 2014

Resend queued messages

4th Aug 2014

11th Aug 2014

Add support for PIX profile

12th Aug 2014

14th Aug 2014


15th Aug 2014

17th Aug 2014
